proteomes in English

the entire complement of proteins that is or can be expressed by a cell, tissue, or organism.
now that the human genome has been deciphered, much of the fanfare surrounding it has transferred to the proteome

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "proteomes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proteomes", or refer to the context using the word "proteomes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Moorea Bouillonii PNG Imported Taxonomic identifier i: 568701 : Taxonomic lineage i › Bacteria › › › Cyanobacteria › Oscillatoriophycideae › Oscillatoriales › Oscillatoriaceae › Moorea › Proteomes i: UP000186657 Component i: Unassembled WGS sequence ; PTM / Processing i Amino acid modifications

2. Barski M, 2018, Basiliscan: a tool for high-throughput analysis of intrinsic disorder patterns in homologous proteins, BMC Genomics, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1471-2164 BackgroundIntrinsic structural disorder is a common property of many proteins, especially in eukaryotic and virus proteomes