prosecute studies in English

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Use "prosecute studies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prosecute studies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prosecute studies", or refer to the context using the word "prosecute studies" in the English Dictionary.

1. A reluctance to prosecute police officers.

2. We cannot prosecute the investigation further.

3. The police decided not to prosecute.

4. By all means prosecute them for that.

5. We should prosecute over the lost saltpetre.

6. The DA wants me to prosecute Linderman.

7. Who is going to prosecute the case?

8. Technically, the RIAA could come and prosecute you.

9. They can't prosecute a man with no fingernails.

10. Class Debate: Prosecute and Punish, or Forgive and Forget?

11. The victim has said that she will not prosecute.

12. They had overwhelming public support to prosecute the war.

13. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.

14. I prosecute cases based on evidence your team provides.

15. Will you be able to prosecute your responsibilities effectively?

16. We will continue to prosecute the war to the end.

17. And there are no plans to prosecute the store owners.

18. 5 I always prosecute people who trespass on my land.

19. Too risky, the Feds could prosecute you as an adult.

20. The DA even threatened to prosecute her for theft and slander.

21. The division decides which cases to prosecute, plea bargain or drop.

22. The Attorney General agreed not to prosecute if you testify against Acardo.

23. But the police say they will prosecute where offences can be proved.

24. Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration.

25. District Attorney Gil Garcetti decided not to prosecute Cowlings because of a …