prose poem in English

a piece of writing in prose having obvious poetic qualities, including intensity, compactness, prominent rhythms, and imagery.
For Stephane Mallarme, the prose poem afforded a pretext to digress or pursue a detour; La Pipe is a fine pre-Proustian exploration of the involuntary memory.

Use "prose poem" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prose poem" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prose poem", or refer to the context using the word "prose poem" in the English Dictionary.

1. 10 Can you do this poem into prose?

2. You may read the prose paraphrase of this poem.

3. Crank loses one star because there are a lot of times when it wasn’t really a novel in verse but prose forced into the style of a poem

4. He writes crystal clear prose.

5. "Anagrammatical Poem" by Jason Lofts A poem.

6. An Acrostic Poem uses the letters in the poem to spell out the subject of the poem

7. Clarity and Consecutiveness, at any rate, may be more the stuff of prose, especially expository prose, than poetry

8. Aelfric followed by another prose writer

9. His writings include poetry and prose.

10. File containing prose, acrostics and various poems.

11. Your antics inspired the poetry of prose.

12. Good prose is like a window pane.

13. (An Anagrammatic Poem) Posted in Anagrammatic Poem Tagged Anagrammatic Poem, Eagles win, Philadelphia, silly, super bowl parade, work closed

14. A Banal poem is never more than a Banal poem

15. The prose is exuberant and knowingly exotic.

16. 12 I admire her sinewy prose style.

17. Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in vernacular language.

18. His prose as always lucid and compelling.

19. Banjo is a masterpiece of lyric prose

20. I've always preferred reading prose to poetry.

21. Please turn this piece of prose into verse.

22. Eariler prose , is neither ponderous, flowery nor oratorical.

23. Except for the poem.

24. I indite a poem.

25. Another brilliant poem, Maecenas?