propositional calculus in English

the branch of symbolic logic that deals with propositions and the relations between them, without examination of their content.
There are numerous small errors (such as confusing the propositional calculus with the predicate calculus on page 168), which will mystify a nonexpert reader.
    propositional logic

Use "propositional calculus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "propositional calculus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "propositional calculus", or refer to the context using the word "propositional calculus" in the English Dictionary.

1. The model for deductive theory is the propositional calculus.

2. Protothetic is an absolute propositional calculus in the sense that the principle of Bivalence is its theorem.

3. Algorithms for the uniform random generation of a particular class of formal expressions (containing arithmetical expressions, propositional calculus formulas, tree representations, special algebraic expressions and program structures) are described.