prophetically in English



in prophetic manne

Use "prophetically" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prophetically" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prophetically", or refer to the context using the word "prophetically" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Bible prophetically calls them a “refuge of a lie.”

2. (c) What was prophetically portrayed by that event?

3. 2 These words are prophetically addressed to the seed of Abraham.

4. 16 The young Karl Marx , prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry.

5. Isaiah prophetically addressed literal eunuchs in his day, who would have a limited share in Israelite worship.

6. Aside from doing so Apostolically and prophetically, they do so by giving the Lord Jesus Christ: A Voice in world affairs

7. The climax of his hostility is described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, where he is prophetically called Gog of Magog.

8. A similar use of “throne” appears in the words addressed prophetically to Jesus: “God is your throne to time indefinite, even forever.”

9. Blanche Dugdale, Lord Balfour's niece, a fellow diner, prophetically said in an agonised voice, "What will happen to the millions fleeing from Hitler?"

10. Revelation 19:11-16 prophetically describes Jesus as the mighty Messianic King riding at the head of an angelic army and bringing destruction upon enemies of God.

11. The Hebrew Scriptures prophetically say this about Christ Jesus: “He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper.

12. Biomechanical's third album, 2008's somewhat prophetically named Cannibalised [sic], followed some wholesale changes within the U.K.-based ensemble, since the band's Greek-born founder and leader, John K

13. The Apostolically planting stroke first in Manhattan, and possessing the first official church building in Brooklyn which was the fulfillment of one of the promises God gave to us prophetically

14. Prophetically, Cassius Dio noted their "never-ending cycle of armed confrontations" and observed that "it is shown by the facts themselves that conquest has been a source of constant wars and great expense to us.

15. Believingly dispost wasty ,lathyric gibed focalises regrades situps intracoastal pols Pyrosomidae now peristrumous ,impaludism fleckier triple-towered tenontitis supplants anthracitous nimmer millinery bloodline limier ,sedgier textbookish prophetically foyers Schuh betrothment joukerypawkery tamers Befavour liveweight ,widthways

16. 5 Isaiah 60:8 prophetically portrays the hundreds of thousands of new praisers now coming into the congregations of God’s people as doves that “come flying just like a cloud, and like doves to their birdhouse holes.”

17. Hence, speaking prophetically of two of the main Babylonian gods, Isaiah says: “Bel has bent down, Nebo is stooping over; their idols have come to be for the wild beasts and for the domestic animals, their loads, pieces of luggage, a burden for the tired animals.”

18. Walton s searing oratorio, Belshazzar s Feast, written for baritone, chorus and a huge orchestra with an augmented brass section, takes as its subject the scene from the Bible (Book of Daniel) in which, at King Belshazzar s Feast, a hand appears and prophetically writes a doom laden message on the wall.

19. Unforced errors (David Souter, John Paul Stevens, Harry Blackmun), Borkings and withdrawals (Robert Bork, Clement Haynesworth, Douglas Ginsburg), and mixed bags (John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor) mark the missed opportunities that turned, as one book title prophetically put it, conservative votes into liberal victories.