proletariat in English

workers or working-class people, regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).
the growth of the industrial proletariat
synonyms:the workersworking-class peoplewage earnersthe working classesthe common peoplethe lower classesthe massesthe rank and filethe third estatethe plebeiansthe lumpenthe lumpenproletariatthe hoi polloithe plebsthe prolesthe great unwashedthe mobthe rabblesheeple
  • the workersworking-class peoplewage earnersthe working classesthe common peoplethe lower classesthe massesthe rank and filethe third estatethe plebeiansthe lumpenthe lumpenproletariatthe hoi polloithe plebsthe prolesthe great unwashedthe mobthe rabblesheeple
  • laborworking class

Use "proletariat" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proletariat" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proletariat", or refer to the context using the word "proletariat" in the English Dictionary.

1. He is not one of the proletariat.

2. The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

3. The proletariat is sure to win the whole world.

4. The proletariat was hardly more impressed by the Manifesto.

5. The party was portrayed as the vanguard of the proletariat.

6. Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.

7. Thus, this is the main difference between Bourgeoisie and proletariat

8. The proletariat, in contrast(, own no means of production whatever.

9. The proletariat, in contrast, own no means of production whatever.

10. This is pure, vulgar class warfare without a howling proletariat.

11. The proletariat needs a defined evil, even as an illusion.

12. 20 The proletariat was hardly more impressed by the Manifesto.

13. The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot but be highly coercive.

14. The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism.

15. The bourgeoisie class own the means of production, the proletariat do not.

16. Jealous, resentful, morally superior, I stayed on with the rest of the proletariat.

17. 16 The bourgeoisie class own the means of production, the proletariat do not.

18. 3 Marx wrote of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

19. This proletariat interests neither the opposition forces nor the regimes based on the sacred.

20. Synonyms for Canaille include masses, mob, populace, proletariat, rabble, riffraff, scum, commoners, plebs and ragtag

21. Why should we not eulogize the proletariat, the Communist Party, New Democracy and socialism?

22. New merchant and professional classes arose and a proletariat developed out of the peasantry.

23. The new party would drop the old insistence on the dictatorship of the proletariat.

24. His novels can be read as an account of the lives of the proletariat.

25. The proletariat is trying to preserve it, improve it, and open it to everyone.

26. 29 The theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the quintessence of Marxism.

27. Metal castings were exported all over the world and an industrial proletariat developed very early.

28. In the industrial revolution, we saw the creation of a new class of the urban proletariat.

29. 21 To preserve the system, Lenin argued, concessions had to be granted to the proletariat at home.

30. Yet deprivation alone does not explain the militancy and relatively strong political consciousness of the factory proletariat.

31. In the Marxist view of capitalism, this is a conflict between capitalists (bourgeoisie) and wage-workers (the proletariat).

32. The newspaper called for women to rebel against male oppression, but without abandoning the proletariat struggle.

33. The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.

34. To preserve the system, Lenin argued, concessions had to be granted to the proletariat at home.

35. Crimes of the Bolsheviki: dedicated to the interests of the international proletariat by Riebe, Ernest; Russian S.F.S.R

36. Since they are non-producers, the bourgeoisie are therefore exploiting the proletariat, the real producers of wealth.

37. And, on the assumption of the superiority of socialist organisation, the victory would go to the proletariat.

38. Engels was to remark that since property was not a consideration, only the proletariat could marry for love.

39. Friedrich Engels, close comrade - in - arms of Karl Marx, great leader the world proletariat, was born at Barmen.

40. Whereas Bourgeoise owns the means of production, proletariat does not own means of production and survive by selling their labour

41. Objective rather than objectionable was the unanimous verdict of the proletariat who always addressed her as Miss Read.

42. Secondly, the difference in wealth between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will increase as the accumulation of capital proceeds.

43. The class enemy, the bourgeoisie and its allies, wielded a vast array of ideological weapons designed to mislead the proletariat.

44. In the eyes of the Bourgeoisie, Proletariat laborers are simply a commodity—they exist only to work and increase capital.

45. 15 Secondly, the difference in wealth between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will increase as the accumulation of capital proceeds.

46. Both families had been transformed from what might be called a lumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat.

47. What does Bourgeoisie mean? The social class between the aristocracy or very wealthy and the working class, or proletariat; middle class

48. 27 They also supplied their poor and their proletariat to the great cities, of which New York is the unrivalled prototype.

49. The people are patient, too patient, but a day will come when the sufferings of the proletariat will become unbearable.

50. The state-sponsored agro-industrial cooperatives are the focal point for this discussion of the creation of an industrial proletariat.