proconsuls in English

a governor of a province in ancient Rome, having much of the authority of a consul.
Like the proconsuls of ancient Rome, the viceroy governed, administered, judged, superintended the royal treasury, was commander in chief of the army, and the vice patron of the church.
a governor or deputy consul of a modern colony.
Why not go the full hog and ask Dublin to send a proconsul to the loyal colony?
a fossil hominoid primate found in Lower Miocene deposits in East Africa, one of the last common ancestors of both humans and the great apes.
The topologies of each of these eight cladograms were identical to the MMPC, except that the relative position of Proconsul varied across the set creating a polytomy between Proconsul and the two hominoid clades.

Use "proconsuls" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proconsuls" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proconsuls", or refer to the context using the word "proconsuls" in the English Dictionary.

1. This supports the Bible account that Roman administration of the island was carried out through proconsuls.

2. The outgoing proconsuls were to bring back home the veterans who had spent a long time in Hispania.