privatized in English

transfer (a business, industry, or service) from public to private ownership and control.
a plan for privatizing education

Use "privatized" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "privatized" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "privatized", or refer to the context using the word "privatized" in the English Dictionary.

1. The water boards are about to be privatized.

2. In November 1995 the government privatized CN.

3. Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.

4. Formerly government-owned commercial activities are now privatized.

5. Cleaning services in state-run hospitals have recently been privatized.

6. 10 Cleaning services in state-run hospitals have recently been privatized.

7. However, the associated land parcels were not privatized and remain in public ownership.

8. On the whole, shares in privatized companies have underperformed the rest of the equity market.

9. In a privatized city space, this means affluence levels are all too easily read in the urban fabric.

10. As of April 1, 1985, the Japanese tobacco industry was privatized, ending decades of government monopoly.

11. The big entitlement programs should be privatized, he says, leaving only a low safety net for the indigent.

12. Instead there are rewards for privatized needs that occlude any practical questions about the organization of social life.

13. Many properties owned by the government during the previous regime have now been privatized and are in the process of privatization.

14. The use or destination of the housing object cannot be altered, nor can it be privatized, without an agreement with the MESP.

15. The private sector profit machine is who will benefit from more NASA Boondoggling, just like the privatized arsenal system makes long war profits.

16. The use or destination of the housing object cannot be altered, nor can it be privatized, without an agreement with the MESP

17. The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge.They'll all be privatized soon.

18. Chamorro chose to recognize the workers' right to 25% of the shares of privatized state enterprises despite of the disapproval that generated both at home and abroad.

19. 5 The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge.They'll all be privatized soon.

20. According to Professor Gerd Habermann, corporatism means "that organized private interests -- foremost the tariff cartel with its almost absolute privilege to exercise private coercion (strike and lockout) -- usurped sovereign power and thus "privatized" the state to their own interests.

21. After some hesitation, during which air traffic control operations were transferred to a private company (NAV CANADA) absent those rights, a new policy is promised which will continue Privacy Act protection for newly privatized agencies.

22. In addition, many countries have privatized government- operated media, with decidedly mixed results: on the one hand, the prospect of a more independent press and TV and more inclusive populist programming; on the other hand, the further spread of market logic, advertisers’ power, and dubious amalgams like talk radio and ‘infotainment’.