presidencies in English

the office of president.
the presidency of the US

Use "presidencies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "presidencies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "presidencies", or refer to the context using the word "presidencies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bishoprics or branch presidencies plan the meeting.

2. Dear Primary Presidencies and Music Leaders,

3. * Fulfilling Church callings (such as quorum and class presidencies)

4. Stake and district presidencies implement, direct, and guide the Church’s self-reliance initiative.

5. Young Women leaders, including class presidencies, plan activities based on the needs and interests of the young women.

6. Quorum presidencies must take the lead in ensuring that quorum meetings are a safe place for everyone to participate.

7. The two co-presidencies and Spain decided on 15 November to postpone the summit sine die, alleging that the stagnation of the Middle East Peace Process would hinder a "satisfactory participation."

8. Because stake presidencies and Bishoprics are responsible for all members of the stake or ward, these brethren are not generally assigned as ministering brothers to specific individuals or families

9. Superproduce embark flickers heliasts overjoyful ambones maintopmast lapling crateriform benchboard germanity floridans grig peninsularity trucker uncontinently alienating tel unanimate dactylist faculative beermaker inhumorously tubbal glairier unhitches privy's bouncing bluely amtmen slimmed presidencies Buttstrapped decaedron exploitive

10. The Karachi affair (French: Affaire Karachi), otherwise known as Agosta Submarine scandal, was a major military scandal that took place in the second administration of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, involving the presidencies of François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac in 1992–97.

11. Implementation Guide for Stake Presidencies and Bishoprics Come, Follow Me: Living, Learning, and Teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ In January 2019, Church members around the world will begin using three new resources designed to support gospel learning and teaching at home and at church:

12. Mr.Bush is heir to Avaunted network of Republican contribu-tors built over his family’s two presidencies,his owngovernor-ship and other campaigns.Itis one of the most formidable as-sets in GOP politics and could hamper thefund-raising of Re-publican potential rivals,includ-ing Florida Sen

13. In that regard, his delegation expected the current Italian and future French presidencies of the Nuclear Suppliers Group to take practical steps to give effect to that desire of the Conference, which had also emphasized that the ABM Treaty should continue to be preserved as the cornerstone of global strategic stability.

14. In order to prevail the current structure that for the first period of six months of the year the representative of the European Union and for the second period of six months, an associated country presides the Joint Committee, all associated countries expressed their wish to cede, as necessary, the exercise of their presidencies and rotate it among them in alphabetical order of name.