prescriptive in English

of or relating to the imposition or enforcement of a rule or method.
these guidelines are not intended to be prescriptive
(of a right, title, or institution) having become legally established or accepted by long usage or the passage of time.
a prescriptive right of way

Use "prescriptive" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prescriptive" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prescriptive", or refer to the context using the word "prescriptive" in the English Dictionary.

1. It? not a prescriptive plan?

2. Ethical Conventionalism has descriptive and prescriptive forms

3. Direct priMary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive.

4. The cogency of this prescriptive analysis is highly questionable.

5. A prescriptive and legitimate custom overcomes the law.

6. It is a descriptive science, not a prescriptive one.

7. The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive.

8. I do not intend to turn this into a prescriptive handbook.

9. Essentially feminism is a perspective rather than a particular set of prescriptive values.

10. Be responsible for design the electrode for mould making in the prescriptive time.

11. The authors conclude by discussing prescriptive recommendations for the recording industry.

12. According to Gerhard Casper: "Constitutionalism has both descriptive and prescriptive connotations

13. Descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar both are very important in English studies.

14. This relates partly to use of prescriptive specifications that do not appropriately address actual quality concerns.

15. Adherent to something Prescriptive grammarians are seen as blind Adherents to outdated norms of formal usage.

16. Concentric Prescriptive Analytics: Limited to one brand at a time: Includes your brand and

17. Alternatively, standards may take the form of a series of functional or prescriptive rules

18. Economics, on this showing, has more practical use as ideology than as prescriptive science.

19. But comprehensive data collection ran ahead of a capacity for meaningful analysis, and prescriptive content was disappointing.

20. The style and format of teachers' guides vary from the most detached to the most prescriptive.

21. Androcentrism in prescriptive grammar: singular ‘they’, sex-indefinite ‘he’, and ‘he or she’1 - Volume 4 Issue 2

22. In answering these questions, it is important to recall the distinction made earlier between prescriptive and descriptive grammar.

23. Prescriptive Conventionalism says that we ought to follow conventions; descriptive Conventionalism says that we do follow conventions.

24. We are, after all, performing a descriptive and not a prescriptive exercise when we undertake discourse analysis.

25. As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, a stimulus for ideas.

26. In general, two kinds of rule will be considered - first, rules of interpretation and second[ ], prescriptive rules.

27. For while there are detailed teacher's notes provided, the Student's Books themselves are not at all prescriptive.

28. With Analytic Process Automation, anyone can unlock predictive and prescriptive insights that drive quick wins and fast ROI

29. Analytica is a unique visual software environment for building, exploring, and sharing quantitative decision models that generate prescriptive results.

30. For the history of linguistic analysis in the West is overwhelmingly a prescriptive and overtly a political one.

31. The Bime Initiative provides a community-based, research-driven alternative to top-down, authority-led, and prescriptive BIM diffusion policies

32. Gough said the School's series was "an opportunity to turn self-help on its head, " promising: "They won't be didactic, prescriptive books.

33. Analytically, such authority involves three types of jurisdiction, namely: (a) prescriptive jurisdiction; (b) enforcement jurisdiction; and (c) adjudicatory jurisdiction

34. The same number of muggers would leap out of the dark if everyone conformed overnight to every prescriptive rule ever written.

35. Beefcake has a slight departure from 5/3/1 Forever as well: it is very prescriptive about what assistance work is done

36. Social capacities are normative or prescriptive, in that they include responsibilities for whose discharge the actor can be praised or criticized.

37. They are not prescriptive and it is open to you to implement them in the way that best suits your firm.

38. Androcentrism IN PRESCRIPTIVE GRAMMAR ridicule, to horror, but invariably the feminists' demand is viewed as an attempt to alter the English language

39. Data Bucketing for FRTB’s Standardized Approach (SA) is a known problem area, despite the Basel framework providing prescriptive rules to help banks.

40. Casework teaming, however, has shifted from being a prescriptive model to a more flexible and tailored approach built around the vision and needs of the unit

41. Amethodical concepts are not rejections of method, but rather those concepts that are marginalized and left out of prescriptive methods for carrying out a procedure

42. Most prescriptive grammarians prefer "I feel bad" to "I feel Badly", but "I feel Badly" is widely used.

43. A half-decade before “ Wear Sunscreen ” emerged as a proto-meme and a half-decade and change before Malkmus went solo and turned Avuncularly prescriptive, Berman …

44. Canada also urges Japan to remove the prescriptive size limitations from the Building Standards Law and move toward internationally-accepted administrative processes related to fire and international standards for fire tests.

45. Azure Security Baseliner (Azure Sentinel Edition) This tool is based on Azure Security Benchmark (ASB) which provides prescriptive best practices and recommendations to help improve the security of workloads, data, and services on Azure

46. Atman Men’s Longevity, Yoga and Wellness is a private men’s studio in Chicago’s Gold Coast, offering Bikram Yoga, Hatha Yoga (Ghosh Lineage), Yin Yoga and Prescriptive Yoga, as well as, Traditional Men's Massage

47. In prescriptive grammar, Correctness is the notion that certain words, word forms, and syntactic structures meet the standards and conventions (that is, the "rules") prescribed by traditional grammarians. Contrast Correctness with grammatical error.

48. “Collective[i] picks up where CRM, sales force automation, and customer journey solutions leave off to optimize the last mile, providing a cloud-based SaaS solution helping B2B businesses with predictive and prescriptive analytics to close the sale.”

49. ‘The upsetting part of this story is the Absoluteness of technology and the irrelevance of humanity.’ ‘The Puritan paradox, to name it such, was that a rigorous defense of the Absoluteness of Scripture as an objective, prescriptive code, could not be made without a critical analysis of …

50. Without being prescriptive on specific clauses, and as already stated earlier, we continue to urge that issues on which there are differences should be resolved through dialogue in an atmosphere free from violence, and institutionalized in a manner that would enable broad-based ownership and acceptance.”