preferred stock in English

stock that entitles the holder to a fixed dividend, whose payment takes priority over that of common-stock dividends.
Every company has a hierarchical structure of rights which accompany the three main classes of securities that companies issue: bonds, preferred stock , and common stock.
    preference sharespreferred shares

Use "preferred stock" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preferred stock" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preferred stock", or refer to the context using the word "preferred stock" in the English Dictionary.

1. Common and preferred stock

2. First stock was Cities Service Preferred stock.

3. Callable: Preferred stock usually has a redemption date.

4. Preferred stock in Telebras rose 9 reais to

5. Instead of preferred stock, you can buy Goldman bonds.

6. Preferred Stocks: Preferred stock is like a perpetual bond.

7. Like common stock, preferred stock represents ownership in a company.

8. Preferred stock is next in order of preference in liquidation.

9. This arrangement corresponds in principle to that of perpetual preferred stock.

10. This arrangement corresponds in principle to that for perpetual preferred stock.

11. 4 My financial advisor suggested we invest in convertible preferred stock.

12. This arrangement corresponds in principle to that for perpetual preferred stock

13. And guess who's going to get himself some preferred stock shares.

14. Champion said remaining holders of preferred stock agreed to waive future dividends.

15. The abbreviation of would indicate that the stock is a preferred stock.

16. Preferred stock is usually issued with the promise of a regular dividend.

17. As of December dividends in arrears on the cumulative preferred stock total $

18. Preferred stock, however, is usually issued with the promise of a regular dividend.

19. Our Articles of Incorporation authorize the issuance of 000,000 shares of preferred stock.

20. Other non-bank firms have been issuing trust preferred stock since October 19

21. Specifically, Lehman will offer three million shares of noncumulative perpetual convertible preferred stock.

22. Participating preferred stock entitles the holder to receive extra dividends when earnings permit.

23. Cumulative A preferred stock where the publicly-traded company must pay all dividends

24. 14 Our Articles of Incorporation authorize the issuance of 000,000 shares of preferred stock.

25. Shares, stocks, preferred stock or shares, participation, or similar documents usually denote ownership of equity.

26. Dividend Rate: The most common type of preferred stock carries a fixed dividend that never changes.

27. Various types of fixed income securities can be Called, including corporate, municipal, CDs, and preferred stock

28. And this paper also analyzes how to use preferred stock and convertible bond with real cases.

29. Arrearage: An amount on a loan, cumulative preferred stock or any credit instrument that is overdue

30. It is a one-way deal; one cannot convert the common stock back to preferred stock.

31. 21 Our Articles of Incorporation authorize the issuance of 000,( shares of preferred stock.

32. If invested instead in bonds or preferred stock, that same dollar would be worth less than $ 000.

33. As consideration for such additional support, AST issued to Samsung 500000 shares of non-voting preferred stock.

34. Likewise, if you intend to reward your employees with preferred stock, an S corporation will not work.

35. Cumulative stock entitles investors to missed dividends. Cumulative preferred stock is more attractive to investors than nonCumulative.

36. The Treasury will buy two hundred fifty billion dollars worth of nonvoting preferred stock in healthy banks.

37. Lay borrowed $30,000 from a bank and persuaded the Barrett Company to take the difference in preferred stock.

38. Preferred stock is often convertible into common stock at a specified exchange rate, or conversion ratio, of common for preferred.

39. Because he wants his investment to be repaid before you take dividends out of your corporation, he asks for preferred stock.

40. The first half of the bailout money was primarily used to buy preferred stock in banks instead of troubled mortgage assets.

41. Citigroup could use proceeds from a stock sale to redeem some of the preferred stock the Treasury is holding, the people said.

42. A stock without this feature is known as a noncumulative, or straight, preferred stock; any dividends passed are lost if not declared.

43. The Treasury would receive warrants giving it the right to acquire nonvoting common stock or preferred stock in firms benefiting from the bailout.

44. The Arrearages legal definition is the amount of a loan, shares of a preferred stock, or any other form of credit which is overdue

45. Preferred Stocks: Preferred stock is like a perpetual bond. A given dollar amount is to be paid each year by the issuer to the investor.

46. 20 Tier 2 capital: the total of capital stock (perpetual cumulative preferred stock), reserve for trading losses, reserve for losses from breach of contract, unrealized gains on financial products.

47. The governments of European nations and the US also raised the capital of their national banking systems by $1.5 trillion, by purchasing newly issued preferred stock in their major banks.

48. The Preferred Stock is Contingently redeemable because redemption may result from triggering events, one of which is a change in control (a condition presumed not to be within our control)

49. To illustrate, let us assume that Solarwind Company has 10 shares of common stock and 10 shares of $6 cumulative preferred stock outstanding throughout the year. Net income for the year totals $

50. The rating for preferred stocks is generally lower than for bonds because preferred dividends do not carry the same guarantees as interest payments from bonds and because preferred-stock holders' claims are junior to those of all creditors.