predatory in English

relating to or denoting an animal or animals preying naturally on others.
predatory birds
seeking to exploit or oppress others.
a life destroyed by predatory biographers and yellow journalists

Use "predatory" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "predatory" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "predatory", or refer to the context using the word "predatory" in the English Dictionary.

1. A. biraghii exhibits predatory behaviour.

2. Examples: Predatory removals, revenge porn, blackmail

3. 3 We were pestered by predatory salesmen.

4. Polypterus palmas is a nocturnal, predatory species.

5. 4 We were pestered by predatory salesmen.

6. The domesticated cat retains its predatory instincts.

7. 1 The domesticated cat retains its predatory instincts.

8. Overprotectiveness can be a pitfall for predatory Changelings.

9. Two predatory Binturongs are sitting on a tree..

10. We have zero tolerance for predatory behavior on YouTube.

11. 6 Polypterus palmas is a nocturnal,[] predatory species.

12. I think because its basic insti nct is predatory.

13. Pop culture paints the Cougar as predatory and pathetically

14. Some Amoebae are predatory and live by consuming bacteria

15. Predatory abductors like this unsub are intelligent, patient and cautious.

16. 4 She was safe from predatory birds on the verandah.

17. Predatory trafficking in addictive narcotics has become a worldwide tragedy.

18. 10 The welfare analysis of predatory pricing is also generally ambiguous.

19. That paper found no hard evidence linking predatory pricing and negligent auditing.

20. Avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, rapacious, grasping, venal, Cupidinous, materialistic, mercenary, predatory, usurious, possessive

21. The Allosaurus is a predatory dinosaur of great size, strength, and speed

22. 13 This behaviour is typical of many predatory mammals - and indeed birds.

23. The Allosaurus is a predatory dinosaur of great size, strength, and speed

24. The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.

25. He strongly criticized the genetic industry as greedy anarchical, predatory, and confused.

26. Several predatory and parasitoid insects as well as spiders feed on Aphids

27. Because of their size, strength, and predatory skills, Cheetahs are considered one of …

28. Both Intesa and Sanpaolo managed to outmanoeuvre big, predatory shareholders to join forces.

29. 1 Star Wars Battlefront 1.1 Overview 1.2 Abilities 1.2.1 Micro-Grenades 1.2.2 Predatory

30. Allosaurus was a large theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic period, a predatory carnivore.

31. The Commensal and predatory life style has evolved quite independently in several oligochaetes

32. They engaged in product dumping, subsidized goods, currency manipulation, and predatory industrial policies.

33. 21 The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.

34. 2 Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.

35. 11 That paper found no hard evidence linking predatory pricing and negligent auditing.

36. While Hyacinth awarded marks, others, just as predatory, were giving her the eye.

37. The owl is a predatory bird which kills its prey with its claws.

38. They were like a new kind of creature: light, evanescent, frivolous and absolutely predatory.

39. Whereas any abuse of a dominant position or any predatory behaviour should be avoided

40. The route is lined with predatory animals, such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and leopards.

41. One will get the original predatory alien, the delight of sci-fi horror films.

42. The earthbound larvae from which they develop are less pretty, but just as predatory.

43. Lophyra is a genus of predatory beetles in the family Carabidae capable of flight.

44. And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice.

45. The neural substrates for predatory hunting, an evolutionarily conserved Appetitive behavior, remain largely undefined

46. 15 Mitchell knew they must look predatory on the spread of the low roof.

47. 8 Bock looked frightened, but Grigoriev's face was predatory and full of avid intent.

48. 5 The owl is a predatory bird which kills its prey with its claws.

49. But the thinning thatch and predatory excursions into the line bear the Hare hallmarks.

50. Tundrish leered back - a smirk generally twisted his spider tattoo into a predatory posture.