preclude in English

prevent from happening; make impossible.
the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition

Use "preclude" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preclude" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preclude", or refer to the context using the word "preclude" in the English Dictionary.

1. AV pump can preclude edema effectively.

2. Lack of evidence may preclude a trial.

3. We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.

4. But political neutrality did not preclude profitable commerce.

5. A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.

6. Their move does not preclude others from investing.

7. Something totally unforeseen could occur to preclude it.

8. These conditions preclude our taking part in the negotiations.

9. 4 We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.

10. Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.

11. Bequeathal of the body does not preclude a funeral service

12. Open gates invite attention and disequilibration; closed gates preclude attention and disequilibration.

13. Did her unkempt condition preclude making a quest out of her?

14. This does not preclude the parties from adding additional commercial clauses where required.

15. Their limited national horizons and bureaucratic rivalries and material interests preclude it.

16. Limitations of space preclude a lengthy dissertation on what is a vast subject.

17. Commercial considerations presumably preclude any cruel or unpleasant side to his character.

18. The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.

19. Would avoidance of mandates ab initio, in reality, preclude substantive negotiations on core issues?

20. Maintaining Amateurism in college athletics does not preclude minimal compensation of student-athletes

21. Special Forces are often deployed to preclude , preempt and resolve terrorist incidents abroad.

22. This does not preclude import monitoring or licensing systems consistent with the GATT.

23. � Note that regulatory bodies may explicitly preclude such aggregation in corporate reporting under any circumstances.

24. Space and resources preclude an exhaustive or even an extensive comparative study in this work.

25. This does not preclude consideration of a wider array of alternatives in the future.

26. Arrythmias which commonly preclude the diagnosis of Anterolateral MI on ECG and therefore possibly identify high

27. 10 Being advanced in age does not necessarily preclude the learning of new and difficult concepts.

28. Antonyms for Authorise include disqualify, refuse, ban, prohibit, debar, forbid, exclude, unfit, disentitle and preclude

29. Some become sick. Some suffer other personal problems or issues which preclude their ability to pay.

30. This would not preclude close working relations between purchasers and providers working closely to improve quality.

31. On the other hand, many scientists are certain that gigantism must preclude elevated rates of metabolism.

32. This requirement shall, in particular, preclude the use of abbreviations in sales contracts, bills and invoices.

33. In the realm of totalitarian kitsch , all answers are given in advance and preclude any questions.

34. [13: Note that regulatory bodies may explicitly preclude such aggregation in corporate reporting under any circumstances.]

35. [12: Note that regulatory bodies may explicitly preclude such aggregation in corporate reporting under any circumstances.]

36. However, the testicular environment does not preclude immune activation resulting in inflammatory reactions and potential damage.

37. (c) instructions for use, if the omission thereof would preclude appropriate use of the food additive;

38. 38 synonyms for Avert: ward off, avoid, prevent, frustrate, fend off, preclude, stave off, forestall, turn

39. Designation of a legislative provision as subject to the AMPs scheme does not preclude its prosecution.

40. Allocating a food additive to a functional class shall not preclude it from being used for several functions.

41. Failure to benefit from some union policies need not preclude membership if advantages accrue from other union policies.

42. This would not preclude the Home Secretary from completing the preparation of the rest of the Bill.

43. Pressor amines (e. g., adrenaline) Possible decreased response to pressor amines but not sufficient to preclude their use

44. Lastly, the actual protection period for design rights must not preclude altogether profitable subsequent exploitation by independent firms.

45. The many complications seem to preclude this even though the importance of success is as great as ever.

46. However, the fact that objectives are largely attained does not suffice to preclude the necessity of a measure.

47. Ward off, avoid, prevent, frustrate, fend off, preclude, stave off, forestall A fresh tragedy was narrowly Averted yesterday

48. In some instances the imperatives of lower order needs may preclude the possibility of following higher order needs.

49. 13 The dynamics and parameter values could be selected to exhibit chaos; or they could be selected to preclude chaos.

50. First, those observations do not preclude the existence of scope for the applicant to increase its ADSL charges.