posteriorly in English


[pɑ'stɪrɪərlə /pɒ'stɪərɪəlɪ]

late, at a later time, in the manner of being delayed

Use "posteriorly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "posteriorly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "posteriorly", or refer to the context using the word "posteriorly" in the English Dictionary.

1. Suprapubic, intrapelvic approach, extending from the symphysis pubis anteriorly to the sacroiliac joint posteriorly.

2. This additional growth is a little bit more pronounced anteriorly than posteriorly.

3. Posteriorly, the Alisphenoid forms an anterior border of the fossa for the periotic.

4. In two cases the posteriorly dislocated IOL’s could be repositioned into the ciliary sulcus.

5. The lumbar spine from L.3 to L.5 was fixed posteriorly with acrylic cement.

6. Sound will have a high pitch and be loud; inspiration will be slightly SHORTER than expiration; Bronchovesicular: Found where? Auscultated anteriorly and posteriorly and heard over the bronchi anteriorly: 1st and 2nd intercostal space near the sternum posteriorly: between the scapulae

7. ICA Bifurcation aneurysms project in the direction of terminal carotid flow, either superiorly or posteriorly (Fig

8. 30 The corresponding reduction in the space posteriorly restricts the canal available for the spinal cord.

9. 18 Cervical papillae occur anteriorly in the oesophageal region, and caudal papillae posteriorly at the tail.

10. Mesosoma: pronotum lacking sculpture; mesoscutum with fine transversely arcuate striae anteriorly, striae becoming longitudinal posteriorly; mesoscutellum convex, shiny, with longitudinal striae; propodeum long and low without a declivious posterior face, with fine striae in concentric ovals medially, transversely Bisinuate posteriorly, and

11. Tectal Beaking refers to the fusion of the midbrain colliculi into a single beak pointing posteriorly and invaginating into the cerebellum

12. Other articles where Tuber Calcanei is discussed: heel: Posteriorly, a roughened area, the tuber Calcanei, takes much of the weight in standing

13. Concha of auricle the hollow of the auricle of the external ear, bounded anteriorly by the tragus and posteriorly by the antihelix

14. The Cartilaginous framework was displaced inferiorly and posteriorly, and moved back and forth (the mobilized septum cartilage may need to be moved either to the right or to the left of the SP, so that the Cartilaginous framework moves posteriorly) (see Supplemental Digital Content 5, Separation of the nasal bones from the cartilage framework

15. When Auscultating the splenic artery, place the stethoscope along the left subcostal margin, approximately 2 cm inferior and lateral (moving posteriorly) to the midclavicular line

16. The cloaca divides into the hindgut posteriorly and the urogenital sinus anteriorly.The Allantois remains connected to the urogenital sinus and extends into the base of the umbilical cord.

17. The Oberhautchen of Basiliscine iguanians bears a honeycomb cell arrangement with posteriorly imbricating cell walls and micro-ornamentations of the " pit-and-groove" type

18. Longitudinal nerve cords, usually three to five pairs, extend posteriorly from the brain; they are connected by transverse Commissures, and smaller, lateral nerves extend from the cords

19. Sexual maturation in a male whale shark (Rhincodon typus) based on observations made over 20 years of captivity Distal halves of Claspers basally dilated, straight, posteriorly directed, with the apices bent outwards.

20. Abstract The Oberhäutchen of Basiliscine iguanians bears a honeycomb cell arrangement with posteriorly imbricating cell walls and micro-ornamentations of the " pit-and-groove" type.

21. And now watch how the Arytenoids are able to rock anterior-posteriorly, and medial-laterally, as well as turn in and out! This was done using a fresh cow la

22. - Flagellates, in the great majority of instances haemal parasites, derived from a Biflagellate, Bodo-like type, in which the posteriorly-directed (trailing) flagellum is always present and attached to the body …

23. A leglike part. Crus ce´rebri basis pedunculi cerebri. Crus of clitoris the continuation of the corpus cavernosum of the clitoris, diverging posteriorly to be attached to the pubic arch.

24. Vertical BitewingTwo Bitewings (premolar and molar) are normally taken oneach side posteriorly, just as with regular Bitewings, for a totalof four posterior films.If indicated, vertical Bitewings can also be taken in theanterior region

25. Cruss The continuation on each side of the corpus cavernosum of the clitoris which diverges from the body posteriorly and is attached to the pubic arch I licked her so hard that I think I ate Cruss. by SMU …

26. A shell-shaped structure. Concha of auricle the hollow of the auricle of the external ear, bounded anteriorly by the tragus and posteriorly by the antihelix. inferior nasal Concha a bone forming the lower part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.

27. Pronotum: longer than wide, widest posteriorly, often narrowed anteriorly, narrower than elytra at humeri; convex; anterior margin straight, lateral margin straight, arcuate, sinuate or Bisinuate, posterior margin Bisinuate; punctation usually dense; a slender, usually slightly elevated strip lacking coarse punctures present in front of scutellum.

28. Elongate, Carinate, rounded anteriorly and posteriorly, with posteroventral body lobe; sclerites in single layer, raised, mainly rimmed scales and flattened rods; cuticle thinner than epidermis; mouth opening not separate from vestibule opening; pedal pit glands massive, meeting middorsally; radula monostichous.

29. Description: The even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla, from Ancient Greek ἄρτιος, ártios, meaning 'even', and δάκτυλος, dáktylos, meaning 'finger / toe') are ungulates – hoofed animals – which bear weight equally on two (an even number) of the five toes: their third and fourth toes.The other three toes are either present, absent, vestigial, or pointing posteriorly.

30. Abdomen definition is - the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis; also : the cavity of the Abdomen that is lined by peritoneum, is bounded above by the diaphragm, anteriorly by a wall of muscle and tissue, and posteriorly by the spinal column, is continuous below with the pelvic cavity, and contains many of the visceral organs and especially those involved in digestion (such as