pose a claim in English

present a claim, present a demand

Use "pose a claim" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pose a claim" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pose a claim", or refer to the context using the word "pose a claim" in the English Dictionary.

1. He sat in a relaxed pose.

2. Mui, show us a sexy pose.

3. He struck a suitably heroic pose.

4. The facts pose something of a paradox.

5. 8 synonyms for Attitudinize: pose, posture, impersonate, masquerade, pass, pose, posture

6. Anteinitial Yoga pose with a pompadour twist

7. His brave words are merely a pose.

8. 8 synonyms for Attitudinize: pose, posture, impersonate, masquerade, pass, pose, posture

9. 4 Schoolwork can also pose a challenge.

10. They pose a serious threat to security.

11. In kneeling Backbends like Camel Pose and supine Backbends like Bridge Pose and Upward Bow Pose, gluteal engagement is more helpful

12. A live audience will pose the questions.

13. One who assumes a false pose ; an impostor.

14. Cybercafes Pose Security Problems

15. This show of concern is just a pose.

16. H2 viruses may also pose a pandemic threat.

17. He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.

18. They didn't pose a significant risk to safety.

19. But too much Cholesterol can pose a problem.

20. But too much Cholesterol can pose a problem.


22. She was sitting in a highly provocative pose.

23. It's a pose with him, to some extent.

24. She always liked to strike a noble pose.

25. It's true, animals also pose.