polyps in English

a solitary or colonial sedentary form of a coelenterate such as a sea anemone, typically having a columnar body with the mouth uppermost surrounded by a ring of tentacles. In some species, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase.
A few, such as Hydra, are solitary polyps that lack a medusoid stage.
a small growth, typically benign and with a stalk, protruding from a mucous membrane.
The laser can also provide relief for symptoms caused by benign airway tumors such as hamartomas, papillomas, polyps , and angiomas.

Use "polyps" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polyps" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polyps", or refer to the context using the word "polyps" in the English Dictionary.

1. Polyps measuring less than 6 mm or tiny polyps (≤ 5 mm) represent half of all polyps and one in every two is an adenoma.

2. Cervical polyps often show no symptoms.

3. Aural polyps as predictors of underlying cholesteatoma

4. Adenomas comprise approximately 10% of all polyps

5. Warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed.

6. Coral reefs are made up of polyps and algas.

7. If you have abnormal growths called polyps in the colon, a surgeon can remove those polyps and prevent them from progressing into a more serious disease.

8. The other method mushroom polyps use to reproduce is division.

9. Rare side effects Vertigo, endometrial polyps, increase of liver transaminases

10. The polyps were located in the antrum and measured ≥10 mm.

11. Other benign tumors of the uterus are adenomyomas and endometrial polyps.

12. Chains of polyps dangle from a float filled with gas.

13. Most polyps are small, less than one inch [2.5 cm] in diameter.

14. Polyps associated with the Cervix are discussed the cervical polyp article.

15. Adenomatous polyps (Adenomas) of the colon and rectum are benign (noncancerous

16. Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of colon polyps treated endoscope.

17. This article will address specifically Adenomas of the colon, occurring within polyps.

18. Endometrial polyps and Adenosarcomata also have CTM as a common glandular component

19. This article will address specifically Adenomas of the colon, occurring within polyps

20. Colon cancer begins with the malignant transformation of benign Adenomas and polyps

21. Anthozoans are exclusively polyp species, and new polyps are principally produced by polyps or formed from a piece of polyp tissue (Table 1) (Harrison and Wallace, 1990; From: Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition), 2018

22. Most benign polyps are classified as one of two types: Adenomatous (Adenomas) and hyperplastic

23. Coral polyps resemble sea anemones, to which they are closely related, but, unlike most anemones, most reef Corals are colonial.Initial polyps divide themselves into daughter polyps, and they divide in turn, growing into colonies that can be up to several metres in diameter, all held together in one continuous rigid calcareous skeleton.

24. Synonyms for Coelenterates include polyps, cysts, growth, lumps, nodules, swelling, tumours, tumors, anemones and coral

25. Anthozoans, unlike other cnidarians, completely lack a medusa stage; they live exclusively as polyps

26. Glycoprotein abnormalities in colonic carcinomata, Adenomata, and hyperplastic polyps shown by lectin peroxidase histochemistry

27. You can get a less common but more serious type of polyps called villous Adenomas

28. Duodenal and Ampullary masses begin as pre-malignant polyps that over time can develop into a malignancy

29. A Coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building Corals.Reefs are formed of colonies of Coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate.Most Coral reefs are built from stony Corals, whose polyps cluster in groups.

30. Common Causes include anal fissures, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, colitis, Crohn's disease, colon and rectum polyps, and cancer

31. Anal fissures and juvenile polyps were the most common causes, invagination and parasitic infections the next.

32. 20 Only two small colonic polyps were found in patients who had an upper gastrointestinal lesion.

33. In Anthozoans, the typical life cycle begins with the development of fertilized eggs into free-swimming larvae known as planula, which in turn transform into polyps that can undergo asexual reproduction to produce new polyps or form colonies.

34. 20 Patient 202 - presented aged 41 years with a rectal adenocarcinoma associated with over 100 adenomatous polyps.

35. Pathological assessment of polyps is essential for initial management; only adenomas require search for synchronous neoplasia.

36. 28 The trigger fish feeds on coral, crunching the stony branches and extracting the little polyps.

37. Most polyps are benign, but one kind is the cause of greater concern – the Colon Adenomatous Polyp (Adenoma)

38. Adults are omnivorous, eating insect eggs, small crustaceans, hydrozoan polyps, and algae, while the larvae eat only algae.

39. All the polyps Barfed up these black threads all at once and the flow swept them away

40. Unlike other cnidarians (such as the jellyfish), Anthozoans live their entire life as polyps attached to a substrate

41. Because many Adenomas have a mixture of both growth patterns, some polyps may be called tubulovillous Adenomas.

42. Coral Corals are incredible animals that are comprised of many small and sometimes large colonies of individual polyps

43. The presence of these plasmic polyps was investigated in placentas of different age after normal and pathological pregnancy.

44. An example of Anthozoa, are the sea anemones which stay as polyps their whole lives embedded to the sea floor

45. Polyps were resected By piecemeal technique; flat areas that could not be snared were treated with argon plasma coagulation

46. Some early Colon cancers (stage 0 and some early stage I tumors) and most polyps can be removed during a Colonoscopy

47. Adenomatous polyps (Adenomas) of the colon and rectum are benign (noncancerous) growths, but may be precursor lesions to colorectal cancer

48. Unlike zoanthids, where large colonies can form by a similar process, the young mushroom polyps separate from the parent completely.

49. The central stalk of the Amoeboid serves as its core organ, with many root-tendrils that grow into tadpole-like polyps.

50. With a little care in their placement in the tank, the mushroom polyps can be thoroughly recommended for the reef aquarium.