plebiscite in English

the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution.
The leading business association even advocated a ‘no’ vote in the 1999 plebiscite on the new constitution.

Use "plebiscite" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plebiscite" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plebiscite", or refer to the context using the word "plebiscite" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was decided by plebiscite.

2. A plebiscite was held to decide the fate of the country.

3. Newfoundland, finally, became the tenth province after a plebiscite in 19

4. The decision to concede a plebiscite on the voting system has enraged them.

5. Mr Ch á vez, though not a candidate, has turned it plebiscite on himself.

6. A plebiscite was taken as to whether this was a fitting punishment.

7. The parties accused de Gaulle of preparing a plebiscite; the General accused them of coveting an irresponsible, omnipotent assembly.

8. It was clear that the General's opponents were right: this was a plebiscite.

9. The plebiscite in Kashmir desired by the U . N . has never taken place.

10. It was Iceland's first plebiscite since the island's independence from Denmark in 19

11. If this had been a plebiscite, we would have won in a landslide.

12. French Cameroon (Cameroun) became independent in 1960, and after a plebiscite in 1961, British Cameroon gained independence

13. Every week a plebiscite of sorts is held to determine which programs are popular and which are not.

14. The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by plebiscite.

15. Even after he stepped down in 1990 following a plebiscite rejecting his rule, his spell still hung over the nation.

16. The US judged them fair and supported the new conservative government, as it did the plebiscite that brought back King George II.

17. 15 November: Same-sex marriage is approved by a non-binding postal plebiscite in Australia, with 61.6% of the population voting yes.

18. The administration will also hold a plebiscite within the next six months for the approval of constitutional reforms.

19. Group of 8 German overprints for the 1920 Allenstein Plebiscite - all MH with hinge residue {321} Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

20. The 1968 conference of black nationalists - New Afrikans - was the first plebiscite to occur for formerly enslaved Africans and their descendants, making the title New Afrikan the first and only legitimate name for so-called “black” people in America.

21. On the third deliberation day, the Occupy Central participants voted on electoral reform proposals put forward by various pro-democracy groups, with the objective of determining which should be put to a plebiscite.

22. A plebiscite, under the Treaty of Versailles, was held on 11 July 1920 to determine whether the people of the district of Allenstein wished to remain in East Prussia or become part of Poland

23. "There were growing calls for an Anglophone boycott as Cameroon commemorated the 52nd edition of the National Youth Day on Sunday.On February 11, 1961, a plebiscite was held in the then Southern Cameroons today's English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions over whether to join Nigeria, which had already obtained independence from Britain