pictograph in English

a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Pictographs were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 bc.
However, the main reason for the difference between Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Sumerian pictograms came from the difference in the writing materials used by the two ancient civilizations.

Use "pictograph" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pictograph" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pictograph", or refer to the context using the word "pictograph" in the English Dictionary.

1. Generally speaking, the pictograph is the first text.

2. Pictograph is an old writing.

3. The pictograph a mountain was originally three peaks together.

4. Biggy (disambiguation) - Biggy may refer to: Big Gyp Cave Pictograph site - Big Gyp Cave Pictograph site (14CM305) in Comanche County, …

5. The pictograph for a mountain was originally three peaks together.

6. This paper is of and perfecting the book Naxi Pictograph Character Chart.

7. Shape imitation and meaning imitation are two expressive features of pictograph.

8. The pictograph has a very long history and has been used in many adorning designs.

9. If a single Chinese character is considered from the perspectives of pictograph, ideograph and phonology, a Ch...

10. Moreover, the pictograph characteristic of Chinese words makes the space-time idea in the mysterious figure be kept maximally.

11. Chinese and English belong to two different languages, english-chinese translation is not pictograph and letters of simple conversion.

12. Diagram 8 is a pictograph showing the number of cameras sold by a company over four months.

13. During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives.

14. The thinking of pictograph and ideograph help form the Chinese traditional art pursuit: the mood of a literary work and vividness.

15. Ledger books provide accurate historical records—in pictograph—of life on the plains and events in the lives of the Arapahos

16. The letter Aleph is the "father" of the Aleph-Bet, whose original pictograph represents an ox, strength, and leader

17. When it moved to the toolbar, it became square, lost its text, and acquired a pictograph, an iconic legend.

18. It was pointed out that he pictograph comprehension, historicity and pattern are the reasons that caused the beauty of its adorning.

19. Dongba pictograph painting has a classical features five works of art, beautiful lines, respectively, by the form of leaves, beautiful colors, dynamic performance and features.

20. The character "Fa"in ancient times, with the unique form of pictograph , has offered a lot of beneficial inspiration for the discussion of its definition and origin today.