phlegmon in English


['flegmɑn /-mɒn]

pussy infection that spreads through tissues

Use "phlegmon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "phlegmon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "phlegmon", or refer to the context using the word "phlegmon" in the English Dictionary.

1. Common complications include Appendicular phlegmon (Appendicular mass), Appendicular abscess, and peritonitis

2. 3 Wool mycosis, malign external auditory meatus is cholecystitis of swollen sex of phlogistic, gas, necrotic quality phlegmon .

3. Appendixin themiddle ofwell-cir cumscribed Abscessor phlegmon onimaging + drainage (ifnecessary) LAwithin48h afterpresentation 88 55 33 9.3(3.0) 9.1(3.3) Mean3.4(± 1.7) years Mean3.2 (± 1.9) years NOT Dataareexpressedasnormean(SD) ABantibiotics, EA Earlyappendectomy, IA Intervalappendectomy, LA Laparoscopicappendectomy, NOT initialnon