perpetuating in English

make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely.
the law perpetuated the interests of the ruling class

Use "perpetuating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perpetuating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perpetuating", or refer to the context using the word "perpetuating" in the English Dictionary.

1. The problem just becomes self- perpetuating.

2. The problem just becomes self-perpetuating.

3. Compartment syndrome is a self-perpetuating cascade of events

4. Many sociologists have regarded education as central in perpetuating inequality.

5. Shockingly, many companies are perpetuating past abusive practices.

6. You re left with a vision of atrocity perpetuating atrocity.

7. I blame my both my mother and my father for perpetuating this Chauvinistic attitude

8. But you're indulging This killer by perpetuating The ruse he's created.

9. Lack of BAME Councillors 'perpetuating racial inequality and disadvantage' in the UK, says report

10. An extra challenge is the self-perpetuating nature of the Bed blocking

11. But climate change cannot be addressed by perpetuating the poverty of the developing countries.

12. In self-defeating organizations, poor performance comes to resemble this sort of eternally perpetuating cycle.

13. The “empty thing” is the constant concern of human governments to keep perpetuating their own authority.

14. So, here I am perpetuating some of the very Classist language scrutinization pieces that infuriate me

15. You don't bury the most advanced, self-perpetuating machine-tooled, flying clockwork known to man.

16. At the same time, climate change cannot be addressed by perpetuating the poverty of the developing countries.

17. Distinction between categories of predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors is useful for understanding of this complex disorder.

18. Without access to school, girls fail to develop their potential, often perpetuating their sexual exploitation into adulthood

19. If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.

20. The fighting between the different social groups has become a self-perpetuating spiral of death and hatred.

21. To say that wine-speak is an obfuscation is at best perpetuating one of many myths about wine.

22. The persons perpetuating these frauds utilize various aliases and their communications may be transmitted on counterfeit AXA Private Equity letterhead.

23. In Gascony, according to the families perpetuating the tradition of duck Confit, all the pieces of duck are used to produce the meal.

24. Governments are Committed only to perpetuating and aggrandizing their own power, if need be, by trampling on the Constitution

25. As amphetamines in general carry a high potential for abuse, amphetamine Comedowns play a pivotal role in perpetuating the drug abuse cycle.

26. These women, girls and their children, often referred to as “camp followers”, move from place to place with their abductors, perpetuating a cycle of dependence

27. …Ventricular Bigeminy is present when a premature ventricular complex follows every sinus beat Ventricular Bigeminy may become self-perpetuating, a situation known as the rule of Bigeminy.

28. Expresses deep concern at the programmes and agendas pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating stereotypes about certain religions, in particular when condoned by Governments;

29. The key reason that capitalism, as a self-perpetuating social formation, was seen to be on an unsustainable path, was the relentless drive of acquisitors to acquire ever more capital.

30. Without adequate education aimed at abandoning certain risky sexual behaviour in favour of well-balanced sexuality, as in pre-marital abstinence and marital fidelity, one risks perpetuating the pandemic’s disastrous results.

31. Clapper, who joined CNN as a national security analyst after leaving government in 2017, was a central figure in perpetuating the Russia hoax against Trump and lied to Congress about mass

32. Anzacs contribute strongly to the myth of Australian identity formation, with Anzac Day celebrations and dawn vigils, in Australia and abroad, commemorating and perpetuating the Anzac legend (Donoghue and Tranter 2013)

33. Ventricular Bigeminy is present when a premature ventricular complex follows every sinus beat Ventricular Bigeminy may become self-perpetuating, a situation known… Premature ventricular complexes: Clinical presentation and diagnostic evaluation View in Chinese

34. A self-perpetuating machine with food, beverage, and dietary supplement value chain contingencies either reinforcing the Corpulence and complacency with sedentary life options and/or reinforcing the hope that an easy and effective solution does indeed exist.

35. Cohen extends this argument in more detail in Political Philosophy from Plato to Mao, where he argues that the Qur'an played a role in perpetuating social codes from the early 7th century despite changes in secular society.

36. Confusingto familymembers, thereby perpetuating misun­ derstandings and conflict over their seemingly wilful ineptnessor laziness.Family members may believethat the 204 depressed person is just not trying hard enough, or they may take personally the depressed member'sirritability or inability to muster up a pleasant appearance.

37. Bastardy is not a major theme in King Lear, but it can be hugely informative to see what happens to Bastardy once Shakespeare drags it into the world of the play, and that’s how stigma often works: decent people in power (in this case, Shakespeare) unintentionally producing and perpetuating regrettable social dynamics, not because those people are wicked or stupid, but because they focus their attention …