perfused in English

permeate or suffuse (something) with a liquid, color, quality, etc..
Glaser perfused the yellow light with white

Use "perfused" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perfused" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perfused", or refer to the context using the word "perfused" in the English Dictionary.

1. Alar sensor for poorly perfused patients

2. Perfused Cochleae were imaged using confocal microscopy

3. Isolated Axoplasms perfused with oA for proper function and survival of neurons

4. The formation of non-filtering, actively perfused nephrons is taken into consideration.

5. 1a,b), whereas Axoplasms perfused with d-sphingosine, the sphingoid base of psychosine (Fig

6. Isolated dog kidneys were perfused with blood in a recirculating pump-oxygenator system.

7. In the first step the hypoplastic aortic arch is reconstructed and the lung is perfused by a shunt.

8. The isolated perfused rat liver releases no alkaline phosphatase into the perfusion medium under normal conditions.

9. [Aromatizing capacity of human placenta perfused in vitro as a function of different experimental conditions

10. Angiotonin also constricts the vessels of a rabbit's ear perfused with blood or Ringer's solution.

11. Key words: guinea-pig perfused hearts, left and right atria, papillary muscles, β-adrenoceptor agonist, endogenous adenosine.

12. Isolated perfused hearts of rats and guinea pigs reacted to arachidonic acid (AA) with coronary vasoconstriction followed by vasodilatation.

13. These responses were duplicated by exogenous acetylcholine both in the perfused preparation and in isolated strips of coronary artery.

14. Extruded Axoplasms were perfused with 1 or 5 μ m psychosine and anterograde and retrograde rates were recorded during 50 min

15. Isolated Axoplasms perfused with oA/3 showed bidirectional axonal transport inhibition as a consequence of endogenous casein kinase 2 (CK2) activation

16. Real-time analysis of vesicle mobility in isolated Axoplasms perfused with oAβ showed bidirectional axonal transport inhibition as a consequence of endogenous casein kinase 2 (CK2) activation.

17. Theβ-adrenolytic drugs bupranolol (KL 255) and pindolol enhanced the transmitter-overflow evoked by stimulation of the post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves in isolated perfused rabbit hearts.

18. The role of oxygen radicals and lipid peroxidation in calcium-paradox injury in isolated perfused rat hearts was studied by examining the effects of mannitol and (or) allopurinol on this phenomenon.

19. Therefore, thyroid hormones may interact with some other factor(s) in this acute, insulin-deficient model of diabetes to selectively regulate functional, heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase activity in perfused hearts.

20. Isolated Axoplasms were perfused with radiolabeled c-Jun (32 P-c-Jun), and aliquots of the perfusates were collected at various time points and separated by SDS-PAGE

21. The Cochleae were quickly harvested and perfused rapidly with 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and immersed in paraformaldehyde for 1 h fixation at 4 °C

22. To avoid diffusion of the detergent throughout the acinus, the liver is then immediately perfused with oxygenated Hanks buffer in the direction opposite to that of digitonin injection.

23. The ability of carbohydrate fuels (lactate, pyruvate, glucose) and the ketone bodies (acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate) to compete with fatty acids as fuels of respiration in the isolated Langendorf-perfused heart was studied.

24. More bicarbonate was excreted in the urine during alkalosis when mannitol was introduced in the colon (243 μequiv./min) than when saline was perfused (152 μequiv./min) (P < 0.05).

25. It sensitizes the intestine to further doses of Angiotonin and alters the intestine such that renin-activator contracts it. Angiotonin also constricts the vessels of a rabbit's ear perfused with blood or Ringer's solution.

26. Sister Axoplasms from the same squid were perfused with 32 P-c-Jun and either scrambled PAD (Scr) or PAD peptides, and analyzed by autoradiography (n = 2 sets of sister Axoplasms)

27. When infused at a rate of 1 μg/min, PGE1 produced a time-dependent increase in cyclic AMP content in the Langendorff perfused hearts but did not alter contractile force development or phosphorylase a activity.

28. ‘A case of suicide involving the intravenous injection of Barbital and the oral ingestion of arsenic trioxide is reported.’ ‘Effect of altered tissue binding on the disposition of Barbital in the isolated perfused rat liver: application of the axial dispersion model.’

29. If the brainstem fails to prompt normal breathing, the airway is blocked, lung tissue is inadequately ventilated with air or inadequately perfused with blood, or the diaphragm and musculoskeletal support of breathing fails, respiratory Acidosis may develop

30. To characterize the mechanism of chloride transport across individual cell membranes, experiments were carried out on early distal tubules in the doubly perfused Amphiuma kidney and net chloride flux, transepithelial and transmembrane cell potentials, and intracellular chloride activity measured

31. ‘A case of suicide involving the intravenous injection of Barbital and the oral ingestion of arsenic trioxide is reported.’ ‘Effect of altered tissue binding on the disposition of Barbital in the isolated perfused rat liver: application of the axial dispersion model.’

32. Sriranganathan Tissue preparation Following death, the animals were thoracotomised and the main inu'Apulmonic artery and vein were removed and immediately placed in ice-cold (4) Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate, constantly perfused with 95 per cent oxygen/5 per cent carbon dioxide.

33. The Arteriograph was placed on the stage of an inverted microscope and extraluminally (not intraluminally) perfused (3–6 ml/min) at 37°C with a bicarbonate-based physiological saline solution (PSS) composed of (in mM) 119 NaCl, 4.7 KCl, 24 NaHCO 3, 1.2 KH 2PO 4, 1.6 CaCl

34. The effects of metabolic and respiratory alkalosis (MALK and RALK) on intracellular strong ion concentrations ([ion]i) and muscle to blood ion fluxes were examined at rest and during 5 min of intense, intermittent tetanic stimulation in the isolated, perfused rat hindlimb.

35. Real time analysis of membrane-bound organelle mobility in isolated extruded Axoplasms perfused with Aß indicates that bidirectional axonal transport is inhibited through endogenous casein kinase 2 activation, suggesting that pharmacological regulation of CK2 activity represents a promising target for therapeutic intervention in AD.

36. Male Wister rats (n = 48) were exposed for 60 minutes to simulated high altitude at 3000 m or 5000 m above sea level in a hypobaric chamber. 30, 150 or 300 min following exposure, hearts were excised and perfused aerobically in the working heart model prior to 45 minutes of global ischemia at 30 °C and subsequent normothermic reperfusion.

37. Up to 10% cash back  · To evaluate the effects of midazolam on the Angiokinesis of segments of rabbits' thoracic aorta stripped of endothelium and stimulated by adrenaline.Two groups of aortic rings removed from albinic rabbits anesthetized with thiopental were used (Group I – 6 animals; Group II – 12 animals), stripped of endothelium, studied in an organ chamber, perfused by Krebs-Henseleit solution