perfective in English

a perfective form of a verb.
denoting or relating to an aspect of verbs, especially in Slavic languages that expresses completed action.
The cognitive origin is taken to be the basic linguistic distinction between imperfective and perfective aspects of verbs, which describe uncompleted and completed actions.

Use "perfective" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perfective" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perfective", or refer to the context using the word "perfective" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aorist (plural Aorists) (grammar, uncountable) A grammatical category of verbs that is often a perfective past: that is, it expresses perfective aspect (also known as Aorist aspect) and past tense

2. Aorist (plural Aorists) (grammar, uncountable) A grammatical category of verbs that is often a perfective past: that is, it expresses perfective aspect (also known as aorist aspect) and past tense

3. Perfective Aspect is used in referring to an event conceived as bounded and unitary, without reference to any flow of time during ("I helped him")

4. Maltese has grammaticalised an Avertive construction involving a perfective lexical verb in combination with the auxiliary għodd; itself a grammaticalisation from a lexical verb, which as in the rest of the Arabic vernaculars means ‘count’, but which in Classical Arabic also means ‘counter-to-fact’

5. XLVII nr.1 31 Imperfective Perfective leţati µa sta întins, a zăcea - leći µa se culca¶ (ipf.lijegati) putovati µa călători - doputovati µa sosi (dintr-o călătorie)¶ Unii autori1 consideră perechi Aspectuale şi verbele între care, în afara diferenŝei de aspect, există şi o diferenŝă în privinŝa modului de realizare a acŝiunii, astfel că, de