per contra in English

on the other hand; on the contrary.
he had worked very hard on the place; she, per contra, had little to do
the opposite side of an account or an assessment.

Use "per contra" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "per contra" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "per contra", or refer to the context using the word "per contra" in the English Dictionary.

1. Contra Costa Health Services - Contra Costa County, California, USA

2. Contra definition is - against —used chiefly in the phrase pro and Contra

3. Contra-propagative wave spectrograph

4. Contra Bassoons - 4 instruments

5. Ingredient matches for Contra Acyclovir

6. The Contra Costa County Library is the public library system in Contra Costa County, California, United States

7. Contra Consolidations, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

8. O Anticlericalismo é mais frequente contra o cristianismo, mas há atitudes anticlericais contra as demais religiões.

9. Els Mossos d’Esquadra han detingut a Vidreres (Selva) un jove Begut per conduir de manera temerària i xocar intencionadament contra un cotxe patrulla

10. Acaricide contra paianjenului rosu, paianjenului lat.

11. Contra definition, against; in opposition or Contrast to: Consider the problems of the teenager Contra those of the adult

12. Els Mossos d’Esquadra han detingut a Vidreres (Selva) un jove Begut per conduir de manera temerària i xocar intencionadament contra un cotxe patrulla

13. How to use Contra in a sentence.

14. Estimated Accrued Receivable (Contra) Department(s) Specific:

15. See Contra Euthychen 59-62: "Est autem theologia de summo deo duplex: est per Affirmationem quando scilicet aliqua deo attribuantur per similitudinem: et est per negationem quando a deo aliqua removentur per privationem." See Commentarius Victorinus, De Trinitate, in Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and his School, ed.

16. Thus we move swiftly through Augustine's various commentaries on Genesis (Contra Manichaeos, Imperfectus, Ad Litteram, and Confessiones XI-XIII), the Contra epistulam Manichaei quam uocant Fundamenti, the De Natura Boni, and the Contra Faustum.

17. Contra may be available in the countries listed below

18. Contra Costa Television (Cctv) is the flagship channel of Contra Costa County’s cable television programming, bringing you special events, government meetings, and produced shows

19. Els Mossos d'Esquadra de Trànsit han detingut a Vidreres un conductor Begut per conduir de manera temerària i xocar contra un cotxe patrulla dels Mossos.

20. Una campaña Contra la discriminación a campaign against discrimination; el Sevilla juega Contra el Betis Seville are playing (against) Betis; un ataque Contra objetivos militares an attack on military targets; unas pastillas Contra el mareo some (anti-)travel sickness pills; Contra la opinión de la mayoría, yo me opongo Contrary to the opinion of the majority, I oppose it

21. Disciplina Clericalis (= Disciplina), and the Dialogus Contra Judaeos (= Dialogus)

22. What does Contra mean? In Contrast or opposition to; against

23. Tates intra Ecclesiam, praesertim vero contra Affectationem saecularem bonorumque cupiditatem

24. Contra Contra stars Scorpion and Mad Dog as soliders in a futuristic world looking to destroy the evil Red Falcon across 8 stages

25. Haud minore autem asperitate, quam adversus haereses adhibuerat ac tyrannos, Basilius se gessit contra ambiguitates morumque deformitates intra Ecclesiam, praesertim vero contra Affectationem saecularem bonorumque cupiditatem.