penology in English

the study of the punishment of crime and of prison management.
He contributed ideas on education, political economy, psychology, penology , law, history, and political theory, which he set out in five books and over 1,000 essays.

Use "penology" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penology" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penology", or refer to the context using the word "penology" in the English Dictionary.

1. His philosophy was embodied in the declaration of principles at Cincinnati in 18 founding modern penology.

2. Recidivist system plays an important role in criminal law , it also has a very important position in penology and criminal jurisprudence.

3. 15 The professional course test reform of the criminal judicature specialty is an important constituent in the penology subject construction.

4. These are key ideas in the dominant ideology of patriarchy which have much wider currency and impact than in penology.

5. Recidivist system plays an important role in criminal law , it also has a very important position in penology and criminal jurisprudence.

6. So far, criminal law, penology, criminology, criminal policy, learning sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and other branches have put a lot of research on recidivism system.