peering in English

look keenly or with difficulty at someone or something.
Blake screwed up his eyes, trying to peer through the fog
synonyms:look closelytry to seenarrow one's eyesscrew up one's eyessquint
make or become equal with or of the same rank.
    look closelytry to seenarrow one's eyesscrew up one's eyessquint

Use "peering" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peering" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peering", or refer to the context using the word "peering" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tam peering in for the sign.

2. The engineer was peering into the service hatch.

3. They scrunch up their faces, peering into the haze.

4. 15 They scrunch up their faces, peering into the haze.

5. The label depicts a Bacchuslike character peering from behind fruit

6. A pilot must strain his eyes, peering into the snow.

7. Now, peering through the periscope he remarked in businesslike tones.

8. A lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently.

9. He was peering through the wet windscreen at the cars ahead.

10. EZEKIEL stares into the distance, peering out across the broad, sandy plain.

11. Mrs Hussey goes upstairs with Ishmael and peering through the keyhole sees the harpoon.

12. Peering into the past points us to a partnership of long standing: politics and the military.

13. He opened the door, peering out over Kirov's shoulder ant glancing furtively down the empty stairway.

14. If they were peering over your shoulder, you wouldn't leap back, like that.

15. I imagined the neighbors peering over rooftops to watch the men sunbathe nude.

16. Peering services, namely telecommunication services allowing for the exchange of traffic between the customers of various networks

17. But how could I deny what I had seen and heard when peering into the mirror?

18. To think that you can see God by peering out a miniscule dot in the universe!

19. A big pink blob of a face was at the window, peering in at him.

20. And a multitude of stuffed owls, peering through the candlelight, would mutely rebuke stuffed shirts.

21. Van Wyk, peering alongside, heard a muzzy Boastful voice apparently jeering at a person called Prendergast

22. Peering services, namely, telecommunications services to allow the exchange of traffic between the users of various networks

23. Mattie grunted abstractedly, totally engrossed in peering at the various plastic containers and bowls in the refrigerator.

24. Alia was peering at a huge poster standing tall in the middle of the mall.

25. VPC (Accepter): Enter the ID of the VPC with which to create the VPC peering connection

26. To activate it, the owner of the Accepter VPC must accept the VPC peering connection request

27. 18 Gazing along wild green shoreline, peering into dark, lush undergrowth, I watched for glimpses of heavy-set black heads.

28. Peering past all the galactic dust with infrared telescopes, astronomers have watched these stars for over 16 years.

29. Kelley shivered, peering out from over his arm at the nonsense advertisements on the walls of the railcar, waiting for abetment.

30. 20 As he stood peering up at the blackened brickwork there was little emotion to be found upon his elfin face.

31. He reminded Harry, in his build, expression and asthmatic wheeze, of a bulldog peering ill-humouredly from his kennel.

32. At the next intersection he drew in against the left-hand wall, peering around the corner into the corridor to his left.

33. But it was there, just the same, like prying eyes peering round the corner of a thick curtain.

34. On the top floor the bedrooms had pretty sloping ceilings and dormer windows peering out under eyelid gables.

35. I had crawled into mine and was turning round peering into the dark where many people sat eating popcorn and candy.

36. I didn't want to wake up 50 years old some morning and peer across the pillow with his face peering back.

37. CANARIE Network — the pan-Canadian advanced network for research — is peering with advanced networks in the rest of the world.

38. 12 Similarly, I remember peering through the expanded grille they drew across the cinema entrance when it was closed.

39. This intense peering into nature had been consciously practiced by Redon and his sagacious words on the subject are worth repeating.

40. Watch any game in a crucial situation and you will see the catcher peering into his dugout before calling each pitch.

41. To his left he caught a quick glimpse of Mrs Melver, their irascible neighbour, peering at him over the fence.

42. The car was out with its bonnet up and Mr Sargent was there with a flashlight, peering into the engine.

43. There was a lovely picture of him on telly last night peering woefully over the fence dressed in snazzy suit.

44. Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all

45. Peering into the human body, down to and even inside our microscopic cells, we find that we consist primarily of protein molecules.

46. 7 Kelley shivered, peering out from over his arm at the nonsense advertisements on the walls of the railcar, waiting for abetment.

47. 24 As Rain and Oliver approached the three shrank back, but when Rain looked round she saw the pedlar peering after her.

48. Backbone ISPs connect their networks at peering points, neutrally owned locations with high-speed switches and routers that move traffic among the peers

49. Top-level connectivity providers can only maintain their position by ensuring that they continue to have peering agreements with all other top-level networks.

50. Through a telescope we watched the unfolding drama of a puffin on a ledge, peering over the edge, thinking better of it, retreating, advancing, retreating.