peace treaty in English

peace accord, peace agreement, agreement which guarantees the existence of normal and friendly relations between countries

Use "peace treaty" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peace treaty" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peace treaty", or refer to the context using the word "peace treaty" in the English Dictionary.

1. A peace treaty would be of immense strategic advantage.

2. An Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed in 1979.

3. Waging war; engaged in war: a peace treaty between Belligerent powers

4. The peace treaty was finalized at Serdica on 1 March, 317.

5. King Alined supposedly came to Camelot to sign a peace treaty

6. To bring about (a final agreement or settlement): Conclude a peace treaty

7. Since the 1953 armistice the two sides have never signed a peace treaty.

8. Back in Moscow, Trotsky again argued for a peace treaty and this time prevailed.

9. Yet it was Begin who signed the historic peace treaty with Egypt's Anwar Sadat.

10. Shah Muhammad reluctantly agreed to this peace treaty, but it was not to last.

11. However, no peace treaty followed, so North and South Korea are technically still at war.

12. 20 The peace treaty will lay the foundations for a loose confederation of sovereign states.

13. 🔊 During the Armistice, the two world leaders were able to negotiate a peace treaty

14. "Abrogate" the peace treaty which the Hashemite Kingdom concluded with Israel in 1994

15. A peace treaty was secured in January 1169 and Richard's betrothal to Alys was confirmed.

16. Since the beginning of the Cedar Revolution, hopes had increased of an Israel-Lebanon peace treaty.

17. He also helped to negotiate a peace treaty with Geiseric after the Vandal invasion of Africa.

18. Later, both sides signed a peace treaty in 1842, putting a final end to the war.

19. Under the terms of the 1947 peace treaty with the Allies, Italy relinquished all claims to Libya.

20. 12: In Moscow, Finland signs a peace treaty with the Soviet Union after 105 days of conflict.

21. 17 After the war ended, in 1918, the victorious Allies imposed a punitive peace treaty on Germany.

22. After the first world war, the punitive peace treaty was surely a ‘pushing,’ an incitement to retaliation.

23. They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950 s.

24. Foreign Minister Lavrov: Regarding the first question as to a peace treaty with Japan - our line is invariable.

25. On the Danube, Scythian tribes were once again on the loose, despite the peace treaty signed in 251.

26. During this term of office, Rabin also oversaw the signing of the Israel–Jordan peace treaty in 1994.

27. A peace treaty recognizing Brazil's independence was drafted in summer 1825, and signed by Brazil and Portugal that autumn.

28. During the Polish–Soviet War, Lithuania signed the Moscow Peace Treaty with the Soviet Union that laid out Lithuania's frontiers.

29. A peace treaty was signed in 1865 and a second agreement, the Medicine Lodge Treaty of 1867, guaranteed Arapahos a

30. When Americans made contact with the Apaches a peace treaty was negotiated but the peace lasted only about three years

31. During this period he implemented the first Oslo Accords and participated in the negotiations towards the Israel–Jordan peace treaty.

32. Following parliamentary ratification, Chissano promulgated on Oct. 14 legislation approving the actual peace treaty as well as a general political amnesty.

33. On 2 February 1920, the Tartu Peace Treaty was signed with Soviet Russia, wherein Russia acknowledged the independence of the Estonian Republic.

34. After the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty of 1979, the town of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, was split by this Corridor.

35. It is the first of several accords that are expected to culminate in a peace treaty to formally end the Chiapas conflict.

36. But the agreement was an important step towards the Camp David Accords of 1978 and the peace treaty with Egypt signed in 1979.

37. Since that time, no final peace treaty has been signed between Japan and Russia, and the status of the neighboring Kuril Islands remains disputed.

38. Holland sent additional forces to the aid of Kieft, leading to the overwhelming defeat of the Native Americans and a peace treaty on August 29, 1645.

39. While the Athenians and the Thebans were preparing themselves for war, Philip made a final attempt to appease his enemies, proposing in vain a new peace treaty.

40. The young Edward was accompanied by his mother Isabella, who was the sister of King Charles, and was meant to negotiate a peace treaty with the French.

41. Emperor Seleucus I Nicator came to a marital agreement as part of a peace treaty, and several Greeks, such as the historian Megasthenes, resided at the Mauryan court.

42. Once a peace treaty has been negotiated, the parties involved might ask the United Nations for a peacekeeping force to oversee various elements of the agreed upon plan.

43. The war took a heavy death toll on the Red Army but forced Finland to sign a Moscow Peace Treaty and cede the Karelian Isthmus and Ladoga Karelia.

44. Therefore, a peace treaty was signed on 6 August 1661 at The Hague whereby New Holland was sold to Portugal for the equivalent of 63 tonnes of gold.

45. Something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort: Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest Accomplishment.

46. Something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort: Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest Accomplishment.

47. When peace was made in 1918, one of the purposes of the Versailles peace treaty was “to render possible the initiation of a general limitation of the armaments of all nations.”

48. Habibullah Khan sought reconciliation with the UK, where he graduated in 1905 with a peace treaty with Russia, stretching for defeat in the Russo-Japanese War had to withdraw from Afghanistan.

49. The U.S. had asserted that the San Francisco Peace Treaty "did not determine the sovereignty of the territories renounced by Japan", but that "Japan does not have the right to transfer sovereignty over such territories".

50. 1 Biography 2 Personality 3 Appearances 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Alined is the king of Deorham in the country of Albion and came to Camelot, seemingly wanting to create a peace treaty with King Uther and