pasteur in English


French family name; Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) nineteenth century French biologist and chemist, pioneer in bacteriology, creator of the Pasteur method for killing bacteria

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1. 300 Pasteur Drive, Palo Alto, Culif

2. Thoroughly mix using a Pasteur pipette.

3. 1856 – Louis Pasteur stated that microorganisms produce fermentation.

4. Pasteur then moved on to the study of fermenting agents.

5. Frenchman Louis Pasteur used vaccination to fight rabies and anthrax.

6. But ideas like these were disproved by Redi, Pasteur, and other scientists.

7. Pasteur set to work and gave much advice to the brewers.

8. Pasteur publicly claimed his success in developing the anthrax vaccine in 1881.

9. The promotional experiment was a success and helped Pasteur sell his products, getting the benefits and glory.

10. This Hotel offers accommodation in Pasteur district with nearby access to Taman Sejarah Bandung.

11. Cochleae were dissected out, enzymatically digested, and triturated gently using fire-polished Pasteur pipettes

12. In the 1860 s , Louis Pasteur, working with beer and wine, developed the process of pasteurization.

13. In 1879, Louis Pasteur isolated streptococcus bacteria in blood from women suffering from Childbed fever.

14. Named after French scientist Louis Pasteur, pasteurization involves heating milk for a specified time and then cooling it quickly.

15. To avoid contamination sterile reagents were used with new disposable pasteur pipettes for each addition and removal of washing solution.

16. Holiday Inn Bandung Pasteur is located in the city center and 1.2 mi from Paris van Java Mall

17. As Biogenesist Louis Pasteur would successfully argue, life isn't a "thing" that exists under the surface

18. As Biogenesist Louis Pasteur would successfully argue, life isn't a "thing" that exists under the surface

19. Clostridium was discovered by the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur in the 1860s as a proof of existing anaerobic microorganisms.

20. But Pasteur was original in using the actual disease agent in an attenuated form rather than using a related microbe.

21. When was the importance of Asepsis first recognized? In the mid-19 th century, Louis Pasteur performed several experiments demonstrating the …

22. To show the importance of air as a transporter of microbes, Pasteur went to the Mer de Glace, a glacier in the French Alps.

23. Other articles where Acetobacter is discussed: vinegar: …Pasteur showed that it is Acetobacter bacteria that cause the conversion of alcohol to acetic acid

24. 15 Paul Reiter, a medical entomologist from the Institut Pasteur in France, contests whether climate change is causing a rise in malaria at all.

25. These and other observations of acquired immunity were later exploited by Louis Pasteur in his development of vaccination and his proposed germ theory of disease.

26. Since the time of experiments by Louis Pasteur, it has been accepted that life does not spring into existence out of nothing by spontaneous generation.

27. The Paris Alliance was created in 1884 by a board of directors featuring illustrious names such as Jules Verne (writer) and Louis Pasteur (chemist and biologist).

28. Y. pestis was discovered in 1894 by Alexandre Yersin, a Swiss/French physician and bacteriologist from the Pasteur Institute, during an epidemic of the plague in Hong Kong.

29. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Close up François Gros, Biologiste à l'Institut Pasteur dans son bureau, le 6 janvier 1987 à Paris, France.

30. In 1903 Nicolle became Director of the Pasteur Institute in Tunis, where he did his Nobel Prize-winning work on typhus, bringing Hélène Sparrow with him as laboratory chief.

31. French self-esteem hit after Pasteur Institute Abandons Covid vaccine This article is more than 1 month old Politicians say project, halted after disappointing trials, a ‘national humiliation

32. Established in 2016, H-Immune was founded by Luc Boblet, PhD, former co-founder and CEO of Institute Pasteur spin-out PathoQuest and Michel Leonetti, PhD, senior immunologist

33. In this engrossing story, Nuland shows how Semmelweis's groundbreaking discovery of how Childbed fever was transmitted was later validated by the work of Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister

34. COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Op het geneeskundig onderzoekscentrum Instituut Pasteur ent een man een karbouw om pokken-entstof te bereiden Bandoeng West-Java TMnr 10006706.jpg 700 × 505; 54 KB

35. Calrose Coleoptiles, in contrast to IR22, also showed a sustained Pasteur effect, with the estimated rate of glycolysis during anoxia being 1.4-1.7-fold faster than that of aerobic Coleoptiles

36. Independently, French-Canadian microbiologist Félix d'Hérelle, working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, announced on 3 September 1917, that he had discovered "an invisible, antagonistic microbe of the dysentery bacillus".

37. The causative strain was referred to the Centre National de Reference des Bacteries Anaerobies et du Botulisme, Pasteur Institute, Paris, where presence of the tetX gene encoding the tetanus neurotoxin was confirmed

38. The Archdeaconries that make up our diocese are now: Shyogwe (leaded by Arch Emmanuel GASANA; Ndiza (by Arch Joseph IYAKAREMYE) Hanika (by Arch Louis Pasteur) and Nyarugenge (by Arch Edward NYITURIKI)

39. ‘Indeed, the Antivivisectionist ancestors of today's animal rightists attempted to stop the research of Louis Pasteur that led to the discovery of the rabies vaccine.’ ‘We meet early Antivivisectionists, such as Frankenstein author Mary Shelley and Anna Kingsford, who …

40. Pasteur abrupts abusers actress actures apercus arbutes archest arcuses aspects bashers basters batcher batches bathers becrust Becurst berthas braches brachet brashes breasts breaths brushes bursate bushers busters butcher butches caestus capture carpets cashers casters catsups causers cesuras chapter chasers chaster cherubs crashes crusets

41. This short digression offered him the opportunity to follow the microbiological literature and to be aware of the important discoveries in the field, particularly work carried out by the Pasteur school in Paris during the decade 1882 to 1892 concerning the `chemotactic Ameboidism' of leukocytes (see in Elie Metchnikoff, 1892).

42. Thuc Café has branches on main streets in District 1. The branch on Pasteur Street often attracts office workers and foreign expats while most customers to its shop on Huynh Thuc Khang Street are artists. Young people frequent Thuc Café on Ly Tu Trong Street.

43. Highly basic solid catalysts obtained by spray drying of a NaAlO2 and boehmite suspension for the upgrading of glycerol to Acetins Sreerangappa Ramesha Makhlouf Amourab and Damien P.Debeckera,* a Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN), UCLouvain, Place Louis Pasteur, 1, box L4.01.09, 1348 Louvain la-Neuve, Belgium.

44. Anaerobic (adj.) "capable of living without oxygen," 1884 (earlier Anaerobian, 1879), from French anaérobie, coined 1863 by French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), from Greek an- "without" (see an- (1)) + aēr "air" (see air (n.1)) + bios "life," from PIE root *gwei- "to live."

45. Aerobic (adj.) "able to live or living only in the presence of oxygen, requiring or using free oxygen from the air," 1875, after French aérobie (n.), coined 1863 by Louis Pasteur in reference to certain bacteria; from Greek aero-"air" (see aero-) + bios "life," from PIE root *gwei-"to live." Aerobian and aerobious also were used in English