pashtun in English

a member of a Pashto-speaking people inhabiting southern Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan.
It would be unacceptable to Pakistan, the Pashtuns and many other Afghans.

Use "pashtun" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pashtun" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pashtun", or refer to the context using the word "pashtun" in the English Dictionary.

1. A person from Afghanistan or of Afghan descent.· A person of Pashtun ethnicity or of Pashtun descent.· Synonym of Afghan Hound.·Pashto, a language primarily spoken by Pashtun people in Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan

2. Yes, President Hamid Karzai is a Pashtun, but that's window dressing.

3. 11 These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.

4. America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom Coin depends.

5. The Taliban cannot be sufficiently weakened in Pashtun Afghanistan to coerce it to the negotiating table.

6. @ Islamabad The Beautiful ( Federal Capital, Founded by Field Marshal Mohammed Ayub Khan )/ Khyber Pashtun Khwa aka Afghania ( KPK )

7. In Pakistan, the Pashtun Taliban are now being aided and abetted by extremists from all the major ethnic groups in Pakistan.

8. In the third season, one of the finalists was Lema Sahar, a Pashtun woman from Kandahar, the spiritual home of the Taliban.

9. Turkish and Pashtun invaders often used abandoned viharas as military cantonments.The word Bihar may have come from the large number of viharas thus

10. Baluchis worry that the mainly Pashtun refugees could be counted in the census, thereby tilting the demographic balance in favor of local Baluchistan Pashtuns

11. The dominant form of Sunni Islam among Pakistan's non-Pashtun population is the Barelvi movement(, which accommodates many of the rites and practices of Sufism.

12. In some respects, one might hazard, the current insurgency -- as an almost exclusively Pashtun affair -- harks back to an earlier, more fragmented pattern of Afghanistan's history.

13. The First Anglo-Afghan War led to one of the most disastrous defeats of the Victorian military when an entire British army was wiped out by Russian-supplied Afghan Pashtun tribesmen during the 1842 retreat from Kabul.

14. The US failure to destroy the al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leadership in the 2001 war that liberated Afghanistan allowed both groups to take up safe residence in the tribal badlands of the Federal Administered Tribal Areas that form a buffer zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where some 4.5 million Pashtun tribesmen live.