parting line in English

last word, last thing said before leaving

Use "parting line" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "parting line" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "parting line", or refer to the context using the word "parting line" in the English Dictionary.

1. They'd had an amicable parting.

2. It was a dreadfully emotional parting.

3. Then, sculpt the remaining fringe parting.

4. 17 They'd had an amicable parting.

5. She cried out for anguish at parting.

6. No, our parting is final and irrevocable.

7. 27 Azaire's parting words filled his head.

8. 11 I never forgot his parting words .

9. Their parting of ways was not amicable.

10. The parting could not have been easy.

11. Parting thoughts, of which I have two...

12. 5 It was a dreadfully emotional parting.

13. He had been stoical at their parting.

14. 20 The parting could not have been easy.

15. Eisenhower's parting admonition in 1956 was " Give'em heaven. "

16. We had a tearful parting at the airport.

17. Adieus: an expression of good wishes at parting.

18. He gave her a light kiss on parting.

19. Adieu: an expression of good wishes at parting.

20. I began to repent my parting with you.

21. He said no more until their final parting.

22. 14 They exchanged a final kiss before parting.

23. 13 She cried out for anguish at parting.

24. 10 His parting words were 'I love you.'

25. What kind of mood be after parting company?