partaken in English

join in (an activity).
visitors can partake in golfing or clay pigeon shooting
synonyms:participate intake part inengage injoin inenter intoget involved inshare incontribute toplay a part inhave a hand insit in on

Use "partaken" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "partaken" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "partaken", or refer to the context using the word "partaken" in the English Dictionary.

1. I am delighted to have partaken of your success.

2. She has already partaken of the pervading spirit of neglect which encompassed her.

3. This can be compared to the anagamin, who, having partaken of the food, abides there.

4. Then, I will read the words in silence after I have partaken of my midday meal .

5. (Matthew 26:26-29) These emblems are partaken of by Christians anointed with God’s holy spirit.

6. Partaken two parts of GEP have same computational ability, and the GEP is realized through exchanging message.

7. The rest of the animal was disposed of outside the camp or in some cases partaken of by the priests.

8. The disputes are fueled by the discontent of workers, many of whom say they haven't partaken of the past decade's prosperity.

9. Prime Minister Tony Blair was onto "the mood" so quickly that you feel he must have partaken of it.

10. Therefore in the interconnection, no harm can come to one's physical self, as earth has never partaken in harmfulness as a consensus.

11. If Jones had feloniously administered arsenic to his wife, it seemed clear that it could not have been done in any of the things eaten at supper, as all three persons had partaken of the meal.

12. Alexander Woollcott and Harpo Marx both came of age in the pre-­war New York that Chauncey describes, and, if their relationship was not a consummated homosexual pairing, it seems nonetheless to have partaken of the dynamics of fairy and trade—Uncle Acky, uptown, effeminate, neurotic, and verbal, and Little Harpo, downtown, masculine, cocky

13. Paul used the word ka·taʹra in likening Christians who fall away after having partaken of holy spirit to the “ground” that is unresponsive to rain and that produces only thorns and thistles (Heb 6:7, 8), while Peter uses the same word to describe as “accursed” those who are covetous, who “have eyes full of adultery” and entice unsteady souls. —2Pe 2:14.