pangs in English

a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.
Lindsey experienced a sharp pang of guilt

Use "pangs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pangs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pangs", or refer to the context using the word "pangs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Are you feeling pangs of conscience or pangs of hunger?

2. 8 Or Al Davis' homesick pangs.

3. In the original Greek, the word rendered “pangs of distress” literally means “pangs of birth.”

4. Or Al Davis' homesick pangs.

5. David had pangs of conscience . . .

6. TODAY’S world is plagued by “pangs of distress.”

7. 13 The pangs of childbirth will come for him.

8. (“pangs of distress” study note on Mt 24:8, nwtsty)

9. All of us have similarly felt pangs of conscience.

10. With touching pathos he described the pangs of hunger.

11. Hunger pangs, in any event, seemed to be diminishing.

12. Here, of all places, her birth pangs had begun.

13. She had never experienced the pangs of ragged matrimony.

14. Before birth pangs came to her, she delivered a male child.

15. 3 The new snack bar will keep those hunger pangs at bay.

16. The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs.

17. A person might relieve hunger pangs by eating junk food.

18. “Pangs of distress,” including wars, food shortages, earthquakes, and other calamities, plague humanity.

19. The new snack bar will keep those hunger pangs at bay.

20. For they have no deathly pangs; and their paunch is fat.

21. Under such circumstances, Enoch would not experience the pangs of death.

22. But lurking among the logic and the facts the pangs remain.

23. I should have thought one gentleman's absence might have caused particular pangs.

24. From time to time, virtually all of us experience the pangs of conscience.

25. As with war and famine, the Abruzzi earthquake was just “a beginning of pangs of distress.”

26. During her two-year absence Eliza suffered great pangs of homesickness and longing for her children.

27. (Matthew 24:3, 7; Luke 21:7-11) Like literal birth pangs, these “pangs of distress” will no doubt continue to intensify until Christ ‘completes his conquest’ by destroying every vestige of Satan’s visible organization.

28. In literature and on celluloid , atonement originates from pangs of remorse felt by an individual.

29. The Harpy is magically kept alive, but suffers agonizing hunger pangs and is in constant pain.

30. Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. Jane Austen 

31. Other and more intense pangs were soon to follow with the coming of World War II.

32. 10 Our skin has become as hot as a furnace, because of the pangs of hunger.

33. What better to satiate some pre - election hunger pangs than a belly full of media attention?

34. They do not fear the stigma of arrest, the pains of imprisonment, or the pangs of conscience.”

35. Instead, they interpret it as “a symbol of Moses’ inner struggle with the pricks and burning pangs of conscience.”

36. When hunger pangs became too great, I licked the toothpaste that the Swedish Red Cross had given us.

37. 24:3) The original-language word rendered “pangs of distress” refers to the intense pain experienced during childbirth.

38. 11 To stave off the pangs and cool the tongue, tapas are eaten and La Ina is drunk.

39. His happiness and optimism were his trademark —even more so as he started to suffer the pangs of old age.

40. And ever since, pangs of distress have struck with regularity in the form of natural disasters, famines, and many, many wars.

41. Agony noun suffering, pain, distress, misery, torture, discomfort, torment, hardship, woe, anguish, pangs, affliction, throes He accepted there would be Agony for the remaining children

42. 12 " The birth pangs of a new Middle East,( " claimed Condoleezza Pollyanna Rice last week as Hizbullah's rockets slammed into Israel and Israel's aircraft pulverised Lebanon.

43. + 24 But God resurrected him+ by releasing him from the pangs* of death, because it was not possible for him to be held fast by it.

44. Yet, he boldly spoke out in faith, and God “took him” by putting him to sleep in death, apparently without allowing him to suffer its pangs.

45. For example, even when someone likes a new stepparent, it's natural to feel some pangs that this new person is "replacing" a beloved parent in some way.

46. Only a suicidal third world war could be greater, but Jesus was not prophesying that, since the wars he spoke about were part of “a beginning of pangs of distress.”

47. Borrowed from Middle French Agoniser "to exercise, struggle, suffer, (in past participle agonisé) torment," borrowed from Medieval Latin agōnizāre "to struggle, suffer death pangs," going back to Late Latin, …

48. This the poet does in his evocation of opera—how the cornet “pangs through [his] belly and breast”; and the tenor fills him; and the soprano works with the orchestra to wrench unknown Ardors from his soul

49. The Bible promises that in that Paradise of God’s making, no inhabitant of the earth will again experience the gnawing pangs of hunger, for “Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples . . . a banquet of well-oiled dishes.” —Isaiah 25:6.

50. Somerset Maugham, “11”, in The Moon and Sixpence: I was perturbed by the suspicion that the anguish of love Contemned was alloyed in her broken heart with the pangs, sordid to my young mind, of wounded vanity.· (law) To commit an offence of