palestinian entity in English

Palestinians and the representation of Palestinian interests

Use "palestinian entity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "palestinian entity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "palestinian entity", or refer to the context using the word "palestinian entity" in the English Dictionary.

1. Palestinian representatives accentuated their strong commitment to the swift achievement of Palestinian national unity.

2. The Arab Palestinian economy collapsed and 250,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled.

3. Nationality: (a) Algerian, (b) Palestinian.

4. The Governorates of the Palestinian National Authority are the administrative divisions of the Palestinian Territories.

5. Palestinian official Erekat undergoes Bronchostomy

6. 2005: Abbas triumphs in Palestinian elections.

7. The PLO established a Palestinian National Council and a government in exile, both representing the Palestinian people worldwide.

8. Palestinian leaders threatened to Boycott the talks

9. The killer , soon identified as Ashraf Hanaisha,24 , turned out to be a Palestinian affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad .

10. A living entity

11. In Gaza Strip, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Agitates for violence

12. By 1974 she was appointed to the Palestinian Central Council, and then she re-established General Union of Palestinian Women in Lebanon.

13. Relationship details provided where the Competitor entity is the first entity in the relationship

14. The Palestinian refugee problem and the debate around the right of their return are also major issues of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

15. Our contribution to Palestinian cause is three fold.

16. Israel opposes a unilateral Palestinian move towards statehood.

17. There is only one route to Palestinian statehood.

18. Assignor: A person, company or entity who transfers rights they hold to another entity

19. Acknowledgment of Attestations - Entity

20. Aggregation of Entity Accounts.

21. Israeli Settlers and Soldiers Attack Palestinian Villagers in Burin

22. Meanwhile, Israeli - Palestinian clashes in the West Bank continued.

23. There is no Palestinian refugee population in the village.

24. Cross-stitch is widely used in traditional Palestinian dressmaking.

25. Hamas put the targeting of the Palestinian National Authority.