ovules in English

a small or immature ovum.
We detected no advantage to multiple paternity in reducing either the number of unfertilized ovules or stillborn young.

Use "ovules" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ovules" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ovules", or refer to the context using the word "ovules" in the English Dictionary.

1. After double fertilization, these ovules will become seeds.

2. Carpels - made up of stigma, style and ovules

3. The only key to this mystery is finding a series of Carpels transitional from fully closed with enclosed ovules to open with naked ovules.

4. The seeds are preserved immature ovules of the plant Elkinsia polymorpha.

5. Androecium, Female Gametes, Male Gametes, Ovules, Pistil, Pollen Grains, Stamen

6. In origin, Carpels are leaves (megasporophylls) that have evolved to enclose the ovules

7. In angiosperms the ovules are enclosed within the central floral organs, the Carpels

8. Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if: (a) Pollen matures before maturity of ovule (b) Ovules mature before maturity of pollen (c) Both pollen and ovules mature simultaneously (d) Both anther and stigma are of equal lengths

9. The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.

10. While some seed-bearing plants grow as either male or female, most produce both pollen and ovules.

11. The ovules are attached to T-shaped placentas in Parnassia, and directly to the ovary wall in Lepuropetalon.

12. Pollination of the ovules of a flower by its own pollen; self-fertilization (opposed to Allogamy)

13. The locules contain the ovules (seeds), and may or may not be filled with fruit flesh.

14. The shape of the ovules as they develop often affects the final shape of the seeds.

15. 2 Arabis caucasica : 4: Fruits divaricate to erect-ascending (not appressed to rachises); ovules 16-28 per ovary

16. Although less abundant and viable, pollen produced by additional stamens can effectively fertilize ovules, producing normal, healthy plants.

17. By contrast, tubular-like ray flowers of turf achieved the ability to differentiate both fertile stamens and ovules.

18. What does Angiosperm mean? A seed plant having ovules enclosed in an ovary and exhibiting double fertilization; a flowering plant

19. But the ovary in Picramnia has (sometimes 2), usually 3 to 4 locules and there are always two ovules in each locule.

20. The ovules are fertilized in a process that starts with pollination, which involves the movement of pollen from the stamens to the stigma of flowers.

21. Wind tunnel studies and computer models also show that slightly inclined stems deflect and funnel airborne pollen upward along their leeward sides toward ovules.

22. Two adaxial ovules developed on each scale after dormancy and each ovule formed a funnel-like integument tip with a nucellus at the base of the shallow funnel.

23. It is worth noting that on their plate for Gumillea, Ruiz and Pavón showed 11 ovules or immature seeds that had been extracted from a 2-locular ovary.

24. Superior, 3-5-Carpellary, axile placentation, ovules 1-2 in each locule, pendulous, anatropous; style 3-5, slender (beak-like) ovary terminating into beaked structure at the apex, stigma ligulate, (rarely capitate)

25. Based on the position of micropyle and ovule orientation with respect to the funicle, there are five types of ovules as orthotropous or Atropous, anAtropous, campylotropous, amphitropous and hemianAtropous

26. ‘Unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or Carpels and both present floral nectar.’ ‘In the center of a typical flower are the Carpels, modified leaves which enclose the ovules.’

27. • Anatomical studies of a scattering of Apocarpous paleodicots, monocots, and eudicots show that, after transiting the style, 'extra' pollen tubes exit fully fertilized carpels and grow to other carpels with unfertilized ovules.

28. Flower: bisexual; sepals 5, free, persistent or not; petals 5, free, generally spreading, twisted (corolla propeller-like) or not; stamens 10, Appendaged on inside base or not; ovary superior, chambers (and lobes) 5--10, each with 1--several ovules, placentas axile

29. Despite their diversity, Angiosperms are clearly united by a suite of synapomorphies (i.e., shared, derived features) including 1) ovules that are enclosed within a carpel, that is, a structure that is made up of an ovary, which encloses the

30. Orthotropous (Atropous) This is where the body of these ovules is straight so that the chalaza, where the nucellus and integuments merge, the funicle, which attaches the ovule to the placenta, and the micropyle are all aligned

31. In single ovules, Apomicts might use both sexual and apomictic seed development alternately (only one pathway proceed; Figures 1a,b ) or even simultaneously (either both pathways proceed or are combined forming a B III ; Figures 1d,e ).

32. For example, in the Apocarpous monocot genus Sagittaria, we found that ‘extra’ pollen tubes grew out of the ovary through a basal opening of the incompletely sealed carpel, and across the surface of the receptacle, to other carpels, thus fertilizing virgin ovules

33. Flower: perianth parts 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, free or +- fused below into tube; staminodes 0 or 3; stamens 3 or 6, free or fused to perianth, occasionally Appendaged; ovary superior, chambers 3, ovules 2--several per chamber

34. ‘Pollen quality may be correlated with male fertility and Apomixis.’ ‘Only one plant in the Apomixis treatment developed two ovules.’ ‘Most published work on poaceae is devoted to plant breeding issues, since Apomixis - which allows hybrids to breed true - is as valuable a trait in plant breeding as in population biology.’

35. ‘Pollen quality may be correlated with male fertility and Apomixis.’ ‘Only one plant in the Apomixis treatment developed two ovules.’ ‘Most published work on poaceae is devoted to plant breeding issues, since Apomixis - which allows hybrids to breed true - is as valuable a trait in plant breeding as in population biology.’

36. Ovules solitary or occasionally paired in the axils of bracts on short Branchlets or stalks which themselves are axillary on the first-, second- or occasionally third-year Branchlet, sessile, subtending scales about 12-20, decussate, ovate to flabellate, concave, membranous, often rugose, nearly enclosed at maturity by the aril; arils open at