overlie in English

lie on top of.
soft clays overlie the basalt

Use "overlie" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overlie" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overlie", or refer to the context using the word "overlie" in the English Dictionary.

1. 20 The connection area does not overlie the light emitting area.

2. 27 The last interglacial paleosol and last glacial loess units overlie the top of this section.

3. 26 This arises from the bright and hot regions which overlie sunspots.

4. These overlie oil and natural gas deposits, especially north of the Los Bajos Fault.

5. Albian rocks overlie rocks of the Aptian Stage and underlie rocks of the Cenomanian Stage.

6. 25 My dear , that chair is specially for you, just overlie on it and enjoy the beautiful sea...

7. 21 The main coat material defined to completely overlie all the metallic constituents of the primer coat.

8. 24 Man has three bodies, the physical, the astral and the causal which overlie and interpenetrate each other.

9. In many areas, submarine fan conglomerates stratigraphically overlie alluvial fan conglomerates, implying rapidly migrating 'basin margins' through time.

10. 23 They were most marked on the heavy clays that overlie most of the Midlands, which produced good pastures.

11. The Residual Consociations (Jaguar, Matabuey, and Esquina) are highly weathered soils derived from old lava flows and overlie broken ridge-valley topography

12. Poorly sorted, feldspathic, clastic sediments disconformably overlie the evaporite sediments and adjacent basement rocks composed of metasediments and granite.

13. 7 In the melange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite.

14. 28 In the melange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite.

15. 22 Irregular reddish tan vegetations overlie valve cusps that are being destroyed. Portions of the vegetation can break off and become septic emboli .

16. Lithospheric plates are exerted by a fluid pressure, since they immediately overlie the asthenosphere . We define this fluid pressure as Asthenospheric Static Push (ASP).

17. 29 Lithospheric plates are exerted by a fluid pressure, since they immediately overlie the asthenosphere . We define this fluid pressure as Asthenospheric Static Push (ASP).

18. 30 They collected core samples from freshwater aquifers in the US that overlie potential CCS sites and then studied their reaction to exposure to CO2 over the course of a year in the laboratory.