outwork in English

a section of a fortification or system of defense that is in front of the main part.
Outside the main defences lay large outworks such as the Terra Nova and Fort William.
work done outside the factory or office that provides it.
Factories only slowly developed from outwork and workshop production in the first half of the nineteenth century, and they retained many features of the earlier method of production.
work harder, faster, or longer than.
Irwin simply outworks his opponent

Use "outwork" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outwork" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outwork", or refer to the context using the word "outwork" in the English Dictionary.

1. Industrial robots can outwork humans [ skilled labor ].

2. Barbican definition, an outwork of a fortified place, as a castle

3. Theanswer is to make work more interesting, mix up your routine a bit-ie, don'ttake outwork frustrations on your food.

4. 30 San Pablo was a small maquila with a history of low-paid outwork at weekly wages averaging 400 pesos.

5. English words for Brachium include arm, forearm, tibiotarsus, shin, dam, side-work, outwork, claw, offshoot of a mountain range and armlet

6. Barbican definition: a walled outwork or tower to protect a gate or drawbridge of a fortification Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

7. The walls were surrounded by a deep dry moat, while the system was completed by the earthen Counterscarps and the outwork of San Demetrio

8. A Burgus (Latin, plural burgi ) or turris ("tower")1 is a small, tower-like fort of the Late Antiquity, which was sometimes protected by an outwork and surrounding ditches

9. 1971, Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, José Antonio Páez A wealth of tall, rank growing grass, a lurking place of tigers, forms the first outwork between the grassy, Bushless plains