outnumbered in English

be more numerous than.
women outnumbered men by three to one

Use "outnumbered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outnumbered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outnumbered", or refer to the context using the word "outnumbered" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was outnumbered.

2. You're outnumbered and trapped.

3. His troops were hopelessly outnumbered.

4. Rip, we're kind of outnumbered here.

5. Blacks have long outnumbered whites in U.S

6. The Spanish were hopelessly outnumbered in the battle.

7. We found ourselves hopelessly outnumbered by the enemy.

8. I believe we have you outnumbered, father.

9. Lancaster, outnumbered, retreated without a fight, fleeing north.

10. We found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day.

11. The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in.

12. The French, suddenly outnumbered[Sentencedict.com], were forced to retreat.

13. Even if you succeed, your troops are outnumbered by the thousands.

14. The Montenegrins, although assisted by some neighbouring tribes, were completely outnumbered.

15. Outnumbered 10:1, the Shogunal forces were defeated with 179 casualties.

16. The police had acted bravely and justly, although greatly outnumbered.

17. 12 The Elves were greatly outnumbered and the situation looked desperate.

18. The outnumbered Americans withdrew but withstood a prolonged Siege of Fort Erie.

19. The Soviet military forces far outnumbered the armies of each country.

20. But conservationists were outnumbered on the committee appointed to deal with land conservation.

21. Being outnumbered two to one, Hanno was defeated relatively easily, losing 6,000 soldiers in battle.

22. Outnumbered Polish defenders at Westerplatte resisted for seven days before running out of ammunition.

23. The Afars in Djibouti are outnumbered by the Issas and were unhappy with the Issa leadership

24. On that day, outnumbered by warriors, but undaunted in spirit, the brave 7 th held their ground.

25. Though vastly outnumbered, the militants have managed to tie down a dozen Indian army divisions.

26. The number of Russian soldiers stationed in the border area outnumbered the locals for many decades.

27. The Jacobites, with 800 horse and 6300 infantry, easily outnumbered Argyll's 960 dragoons and 2200 foot soldiers.

28. When the giant Titans appeared on the scene the Cyclopes were outnumbered and locked away in the Underworld

29. For most of Georgia's colonial period, Creeks outnumbered both European colonists and enslaved Africans and occupied more land than these newcomers

30. Although the Soviet Red Army outnumbered the Japanese by three to one, they advanced only slowly due to strong Japanese resistance.

31. During this period significant numbers of people emigrated from France to live in Algeria's cities; in some cases they actually outnumbered the

32. The outnumbered and inferiorly armed companies resisted as well as they could, but by evening, all outposts were in German hands.

33. Women outnumbered men as converts in the Great Awakening, and f0urd new paths in the missionary movement in the new century.

34. They and other Complicitors deserve to be branded as traitors as much as the outnumbered Capitol officers deserve to be honored as patriots

35. Lee, who had dispatched a corps of his army under Lt. Gen. James Longstreet to forage in southern Virginia, was outnumbered 57,000 to 97,000.

36. In Los Angeles our supporters outnumbered Operation Rescue demonstrators three to one and kept a planned clinic blockade from even getting started.

37. 23 At many venues' media centers, volunteers far outnumbered journalists, and security guards would wander in to snatch up all the uneaten snacks.

38. Desperately outnumbered and fighting in deeply inhospitable conditions, these Anzacs found themselves engaging in a long retreat through Greece, under constant air attack.

39. A.H. Burne, attributes huge numbers to the French, in fact, he maintains that each of the French divisions outnumbered the whole English army.

40. Pompey had the backing of a majority of the senators, of whom many were optimates, and his army significantly outnumbered the veteran Caesarian legions.

41. Though outnumbered by some 135,000 invaders, Israel’s 32,000 fighting men might still have been inclined to ascribe God-given victory to their own valor.

42. In the days of King Saul, the tribes east of the Jordan defeated the Hagrites even though these tribes were outnumbered more than 2 to 1.

43. “In successful marriages, positive interactions such as laughing and joking during the taped interviews outnumbered negative ones by a 5-to-1 ratio,” the article states.

44. The Afrikaners' defeat in the South African War [Boer War] was a crucial turning point in their history; their greatly outnumbered troops suffered a military defeat, and more than 26,000

45. During that Carolingian dynasty, a mayor named Charles Martel led an outnumbered Frankish infantry to a surprise victory over a calvary of Umayyads at the Battle of Tours

46. The 11th Army was outnumbered on the ground, so Manstein had them feint an attack in the north while the bulk of the force attacked to the south.

47. For the most part, it was the Carpetbaggers who were the dominant factor in the Deep South, where the black vote would have outnumbered the white, while the scalawags were influential in the Upper South

48. See apposite ‘There are places where the funniness grates, but they are outnumbered by the quips that make you laugh aloud at their Appositeness, not merely to 1793 but to our current condition.’

49. As the Richmond–Petersburg Campaign (also known as the Siege of Petersburg) ended, Lee's army was outnumbered and exhausted from a winter of trench warfare over an approximately 40 mi (64 km) front, numerous battles, disease, hunger and desertion.

50. A A Democrat nominee Joe Biden repeated his vow to be a president for all Americans, but as Trump supporters reportedly outnumbered and trolled his drive-in rally Saturday, he proceeded to call them out as "Chumps." Then Biden said the presidential campaign was about "decency."