osmotically in English


in an osmotic manner, via osmosis, through diffusio

Use "osmotically" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "osmotically" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "osmotically", or refer to the context using the word "osmotically" in the English Dictionary.

1. Many of the Colloids might contain albumin which has osmotically equal to plasma and 25% of solutions

2. (Magnesium sulfate, NLM, Medical Subject Headings) The Cathartic action of magnesium cations appears to result, in part, from osmotically mediated water retention, which subsequently stimulates peristalsis.

3. CALA Volume Regulation by Red Blood Cells in Anisotonic Media K at constant Na while osmotically s h r u n k e n cells gain Na with only a slight increase in intracellular K content

4. The anaphylactic shock is an acute failure of blood volume distribution (distributive shock) and caused by IgE-dependent, type-I-allergic, classical hypersensibility, or a physically, chemically, or osmotically induced IgE-independent anaphylactoid hypersensibility.