organizational culture in English


company's values and customs; professional atmosphere in large corporations and organizations reflected by dress codes or conduct and by the unique style and policies of the corporation or organization, corporate culture

Use "organizational culture" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "organizational culture" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "organizational culture", or refer to the context using the word "organizational culture" in the English Dictionary.

1. Moderate Combativeness.Apple’s organizational culture has moderate Combativeness

2. You can build Commitment into your organizational culture

3. One constant runs through all that Benj does: he has a passion for creating amazing organizational culture

4. On an organizational culture level, Adhocracy is the antithesis of bureaucracy, and everything inflexible, old and sterile.

5. 1 CLAN, Adhocracy, MARKET OR HIERARCHY? Investigating organizational culture types and knowledge sharing in Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia Prof

6. Cooperation is a decisive factor to the efficiency in working, i t also becomes an integral part of the organizational culture

7. What is Adhocracy Culture? Definition of Adhocracy Culture: An organizational culture in which various groups of individuals reach consensus by responding in an ad hoc fashion to …

8. The actual importance of these categories of information to an organization depends on the contestability of its markets, the organizational culture, the personality and biases of its top decision makers, and the reporting structure of competitive intelligence within the company.