opinions in English

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance

Use "opinions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "opinions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "opinions", or refer to the context using the word "opinions" in the English Dictionary.

1. Clients' opinions - the opinions (more than one) held by Clients.

2. Mississippi Attorney General Opinions Searchable Database of Official Opinions Search Help

3. (Documents, facts, opinions).

4. His opinions carry weight.

5. His opinions are worthless.

6. They upheld our opinions.

7. Opinions differ, my lord.

8. They hold converse opinions.

9. Our opinions diverge on politics.

10. He has strong feminist opinions.

11. My opinions clash against hers.

12. They are of polar opinions.

13. His opinions jar with mine.

14. Opinions on this point vary.

15. Opinions are beginning to solidify.

16. Their opinions are poles asunder.

17. Never identify opinions with facts.

18. The opinions of interviewees align with these data, as do the opinions of funded researchers surveyed.

19. She persistently asserted her opinions.

20. My opinions are concurrent with yours.

21. Our opinions diverge from each other.

22. Father was immovable in his opinions.

23. Opinions differ widely on this issue.

24. An exchange of opinions is helpful.

25. She won't budge from her opinions.

26. He is set in his opinions.

27. 1 His opinions are very radical.

28. Opinions diverge greatly on this issue.

29. Don't obtrude your opinions on others.

30. Brawled: to express different opinions about …

31. Argufies: to express different opinions about …

32. His opinions/attitudes are completely indefensible.

33. Opinions are divided on this point.

34. Opinions differed about the Bombardon/tuba

35. Terrorist Hunt received divisive opinions from critics.

36. There was a collision of interests/opinions.

37. 17 I cannot agree with your opinions.

38. Bill's not afraid to express his opinions.

39. He has diffidence in expressing his opinions.

40. I had best have your opinions first.

41. The chairman was distracted between different opinions.

42. Ayatollah Khamenei’s biography Leader's opinions regarding intl

43. In politics also, there are different opinions.

44. Prepared legal memoranda and revised draft opinions.

45. His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.

46. There are opinions about Cybersphere Online yet

47. Despite extensive research, secular opinions vary greatly.

48. Opinions are mixed regarding genetically-modified food.

49. We must embalm the master's wise opinions.

50. Public opinions have polarized on this issue.