oligarchic in English


['ɑlɪ'gɑrkɪk /'ɒlɪ'gɑːk-]

of an oligarchy, of government by the few, pertaining to government by the elite

Use "oligarchic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "oligarchic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "oligarchic", or refer to the context using the word "oligarchic" in the English Dictionary.

1. Growth later slows and continues as oligarchic accretion.

2. “Oligarchic tendencies . . . have been detected in all the great bureaucratic structures of advanced political systems.

3. As time passed the government grew more oligarchic, with power concentrated in the hands of the archons.

4. Aristotelean ‘Paradox Management’: how to resolve the ‘Paradox of Equality’ As Socrates in the Plato’s ‘ The Republic ’ articulated, democracy subsumes oligarchic faction within

5. Railway Minister Nikolai Aksenenko, who belongs to the oligarchic family, wants to turn the rail system into a monopoly akin to Gazprom, while the St. Petersburg liberals want to divide the rail network into competing private companies.

6. A part of the International Monetary Fund's efforts to increase fiscal transparency in the severely corrupt and oligarchic dominated economy, the Archly resented law was essentially imposed on the political system and on the Ukrainian parliament by its Western partners.

7. But free states and Aristocracies are mostly destroyed from want of a fixed administration of public affairs; the cause of which evil arises at first from want of a due mixture of the democratic and the oligarchic parts in a free state; and in an aristocracy from the same causes, and also from virtue not being properly joined to power