official exchange rate in English

ate of exchange that is determined and authorized by the government

Use "official exchange rate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "official exchange rate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "official exchange rate", or refer to the context using the word "official exchange rate" in the English Dictionary.

1. The official exchange rate, was henceforth to be adjusted weekly in line with the prevailing market rate.

2. In the floating exchange rate, the gold parity has lost practical significance, the official exchange rate also only plays a reference function.

3. At the balance sheet date, the balance of the accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash and cash equivalents, and commitments are revalued using the United Nations official exchange rate as of # ecember

4. At the balance sheet date, the balance of the accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash and cash equivalents and obligations are revalued using the United Nations official exchange rate as at 31 December.

5. Thus, in return for help in offsetting temporary imbalances in the economy, recipient countries had to accept the IMF prescription, which involved: - the abolition or liberalisation of foreign exchange and import controls; - the devaluation of an official exchange rate; - a stringent domestic anti-inflation programme, controlling bank credit, government spending, wage increases and dismantling price controls; - greater hospitality to foreign investment and a general opening up of the economy to international commerce; 67.