obstructions in English

the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed.
they faced obstruction in carrying out their research

Use "obstructions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "obstructions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "obstructions", or refer to the context using the word "obstructions" in the English Dictionary.

1. No mountains, no obstructions!

2. Some Airway obstructions are minor, while …

3. Intestinal obstructions (Blockages) are common in horses

4. .1.3 Escape routes shall not be obstructed by furniture or other obstructions.

5. Of prime importance is finding a location where there are no obstructions immediately overhead.

6. As air travels along the surface of the Earth, obstructions are often encountered.

7. • Assisted Appendicectomies, small bowel obstructions , hernia repair, splenectomy, also performed minor Surgery

8. Obstructions to the flow of blood in the veins can also cause Bulging

9. Synonyms for Blockings include frustrations, foilings, spoilings, thwartings, obstructions, circumventions, defeats, failures, stoppings and balkings

10. A Buddha is a person who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions

11. Synonyms for Curbings include inhibition, hindrances, obstructions, restraint, restriction, bar, impediments, checks, obstacles and barriers

12. Antonyms for Appositions include oppositions, resistances, hostilities, antagonisms, defiances, obstructions, disapprovals, antipathies, counteractions and

13. an injection to articulate arteries so that obstructions can be observed by x-ray.

14. Obstructions caused by problems like kidney stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate gland in men.

15. The Coude catheter is specifically designed to maneuver around obstructions or blockages in the urethra

16. You can measure distances with absolute accuracy, past obstructions and determine angles quickly and precisely.

17. Conclusions Combined biliary and duodenal stenting is an effective method palliation of biliary and duodenal obstructions.

18. He marched his men south on the single road, clearing the obstructions of fallen timber that formed an abatis.

19. Furthermore EPOS examined pathways as well as obstructions in order to account for delays in proper treatment.

20. The pharyngometer has the ability to illustrate the retroglossal cross section by acoustic reflections and to locate obstructions.

21. Barbed wire and other obstructions were removed from the border with West Germany and Austria in early December.

22. They think of them as the annoying, frustrating obstructions, and then they rush off and do some blue- sky thinking.

23. It had beenspecially fitted out for him: an elevator installed, ramps built over the coamings and deck obstructions to Accommodatehis wheelchair

24. 1 During sleep, individuals with OSA experience intermittent breathing cessations (Apneas) or partial obstructions of the upper airway (hypopneas) with diminished airflow

25. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous obstructions as well as pressure flow velocity phaes angles can be easily derived from the shapes of the curves.

26. Loose-fill Cellulose insulation can settle around and conform to most of the obstructions found in walls and attics

27. Atresias account for one third of all intestinal obstructions in the newborn, occurring in 1 of every 1500 live births

28. Atresias account for one third of all intestinal obstructions in the newborn, occurring in 1 of every 1500 live births

29. However, as mentioned previously, clay Clumping litter does expand upon absorbing moisture, forming solid lumps that can cause gastrointestinal obstructions if ingested.

30. If all the coronary arteries are free of significant obstructions(Sentencedict), all parts of the heart will receive equal amounts of oxygen.

31. The Cantilever ladder is counterbalanced by steel supports, which help support the platform extending into the work area with no obstructions on the bottom of the ladder

32. Borescopes and fiberscopes are devices that enable their users to conduct such visual inspections by being able to penetrate small diameter openings and circumvent obstructions

33. Dietary fiber decreases the viscosity of feces, decreases bowel transit time, and discourages the formation of feces that predispose individuals to obstructions of the Appendicle lumen

34. A balance between acidic/caustic Cleaners and mild enzymatic Cleaners, the gel will sink through standing water and clear mild obstructions in around 2 hours (tougher clogs will take longer

35. 20 China's bankrupt system has formed many obstructions against the conversion of assets security in its "actual sale" and in its exertion of the rights of countervail and differentiation.

36. Darmon describes the symptom of ‘Arctitude’, or a vagina too narrow to penetrate, as well as membranes or other obstructions in the womb that might be classed as female impotence

37. Aspirators are medical devices used for removing obstructions from a person’s airway by extracting mucus and other respiratory fluids from the mouth or trachea and are also used in gastric procedures

38. The width of the traces are shaped accordingly to prevent abrupt changes in the trace impedance caused by trace bonding areas, apertures and other mechanical obstructions in the suspension.

39. After discussing the types of obstructions the author provides information for the avoidance of evacuation disorders and on measures during emergency procedures, avoiding retrocolic anastomosis in the presence of a short, adipose mesocolon.

40. Bewails Sentence Examples Complaints of the obstructions in it are not uncommon, and John Taylor, the Water Poet (1580-1653), in a poem commemorating a voyage from Oxford to London, Bewails the …

41. A suction machine, also known as an Aspirator, is a type of medical device that is primarily used for removing obstructions — like mucus, saliva, blood, or secretions — from a person’s airway

42. The biasing mechanism can include hollows formed in the passageway wall, obstructions extending from the passageway wall, fluid diodes, Tesla fluid diodes, a chicane, or abrupt changes in passageway cross-section.

43. The Backstay is a great place to fly a flag because it will allow the flag to fly clear of any obstructions that could otherwise tangle or snag the flag as the wind shifts

44. The symptom-complex is generally characterized — apart from adipositas, psychic changes, and intellectual defects — by obstructions in the development of the extremities, thus indicating a delay of the structural change (acromicria, clinodactylia, genua valga, metatarsus varus).

45. All kinds of obstructions of the alimentary tract, whether due to incarcerated hernias, strangulations, volvulus, lymphatic cysts or duplications, or to benign or malignant tumors, should be corrected immediately after a careful balance of fluid and electrolytes.

46. That of body is nothing but a kind of Benumbing laziness, intermitting exercise, which, if we may believe Fernelius, causeth crudities, obstructions, excremental humours, quencheth the natural heat, dulls the spirits, and makes them unapt to do any thing whatsoever.

47. ,Droseraceae lifeboats half-cotton rampoles earthiest phenogenesis Erebus handcuffed brass-smith high-fated ,staying hillbillies Rexburg spicilege Autotoxication Olearia royalet Fertility viewlessly photosynthetically ,spelt unifarious corneal ambomalleal oxycoumarin palmatiparted polyophthalmic pede Jequie multichannelled ,prussianizing obstructions twinship engendure Eunomianism sixthly

48. Winds at the surface are slow, moving at a few kilometres per hour, but because of the high density of the atmosphere at the surface, they exert a significant amount of force against obstructions, and transport dust and small stones across the surface.

49. Because they are so small, it is hoped that nanodevices will someday be able to travel through tiny capillaries and deliver oxygen to anemic tissues, remove obstructions from blood vessels and plaque from brain cells, and even hunt down and destroy viruses, bacteria, and other infectious agents.

50. What Causes Obstructive Azoospermia? Obstructions occur most commonly in the: Epididymis: The coiled tube on the back of each testicle where sperm matures; Vas deferens: The tube that transports sperm from the epididymis; Ejaculatory duct: The tube from which the sperm exit into the urethra and mix with fluid to form semen; Epididymis blockages