nubia in English

an ancient region of southern Egypt and northern Sudan, including the Nile valley between Aswan and Khartoum and the surrounding area. Much of Nubia is now drowned by the waters of Lake Nasser, formed by the building of the two dams at Aswan. Nubians constitute an ethnic minority group in Egypt.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "nubia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nubia", or refer to the context using the word "nubia" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ahmose I's campaigns in Nubia are better documented.

2. After defeating the Hyksos, Ahmose began campaigning in Syria and Nubia.

3. Nubia was a major source of gold for the ancient world.

4. Copts: Name for the Christian population of Egypt and Nubia in Late Antiquity.

5. Her interest was later renewed after visiting Luxor, Nubia, and the Egyptian oases.

6. Nubia at her greatest phase is considered Sub-Saharan Africa's oldest urban civilisation.

7. Kush, also spelled Cush, the southern portion of the ancient region known as Nubia

8. Usekh collar of the queen Bracelet from the tomb of Amanishakheto in Nubia The Meroe pyramids.

9. The country of the supposed descendants of Cush (ancient Ethiopia), comprising approximately Nubia and modern Sudan, and the …

10. The de jure kingdom titles within Abyssinia are as follows: Abyssinia Nubia The de jure capital ofAbyssinia is the county of Gondar

11. According to Pliny (Historia Naturalis, 12:36) the best variety is Bactrian Bdellium from Baluchistan, which is similar to that obtained from Nubia

12. The portion of the Nile Valley between the First and Sixth Cataracts was called Cush by the pharaonic Egyptians, though western nations preferred the Greek appellation Nubia.

13. Expand your Civilization VI experience throughout world history with new challenges and leaders from Australia, Macedon, Nubia, Poland, and more in the six unique Civilization & Scenario Packs

14. The region called Cush is usually associated or equated with Ethiopia, but more accurate is Nubia, the region south of Egypt (says the Oxford Companion to the Bible)

15. The son of Ham and brother of Canaan (Genesis 10:6) the country of the supposed descendants of Cush (ancient Ethiopia), comprising approximately Nubia and the modern Sudan, and the territory of …

16. Hieroglyphics, Astroarchaeology, Lower Nubia, Egyptian Hieroglyphs Nabataean Architecture and the Sun: a landmark discovery using GIS in Petra, Jordan Across Petra, the authors calculated celestial pathways, in tandem with solstitial and equinoctial horizon points in relation to Petra's primary structures, facades, and monuments.

17. Toward the end of his reign he instituted a coregency with his successor Amenemhet IV, as recorded in a now damaged rock inscription at Konosso in Nubia, which equates Year 1 of Amenemhet IV to either Year 46, 47, or 48 of his reign.

18. Backsheesh!, , or Life and adventures in the Orient : with descriptive and humorous sketches of sights and scenes over the Atlantic, down the Danube, through the Crimea, in Turkey, Greece, Asia-Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, up the Nile, in Nubia, and equatorial Africa, etc., etc

19. The Empire of Assyria (The Largest Boundaries) Under Ashurbanipal (669-627 BC) the boundaries of the Assyrian Empire reached as far as the Caucasus Mountains in the north to Egypt, Arabia, and down to Nubia in the south, and from Cyprus and Antioch in the west to Persia in the east.

20. Aswan has always been a city of great importance, it is considered to be a central market although it’s the smallest of the three touristic cities on the Nile, it used to be Ancient Egyptian’s gateway to Africa and was in the ancient time a garrison town for the military campaigns against Nubia.

21. Akhenaten Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten and defied tradition by establishing a new religion that believed that there is but one god; the sun god Aten. By the time Akhenaten took the throne, his family had been ruling Egypt for nearly two hundred years and had established a huge empire dominating Palestine, Phoenicia, and Nubia.