nihil obstat in English

(in the Roman Catholic Church) a certification by an official censor that a book is not objectionable on doctrinal or moral grounds.
For example, a book on Catholic bioethics may have received the nihil obstat and imprimatur.

Use "nihil obstat" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nihil obstat" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nihil obstat", or refer to the context using the word "nihil obstat" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Annihilate scroll enables the use of the special move for the Blood nihil, Shadow nihil, Smoke nihil, and Ice nihil

2. Translation for: 'omnium rerum, ex quibus Aliquid acquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius' in Latin->English dictionary

3. Cesser, finir, terminer, prendre fin up-stage antitoxins Afrikaner boli li vas? proeffabricagecentrum rovnost prsten rabo de saia area development department (n.) ses omnium rerum, ex quibus aliquid acquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius PVC praven குடற்புழு

4. Brassier is the author of Nihil Unbound: Enlightenment

5. Sed in eius epistula nihil erat novi nisi Auctionem-- -- biduum

6. Much of Nihil Unbound is devoted to Brassier's idea of the logic of disenchantment

7. Translation for: 'nihil ausi nisi vana Contemnere' in Latin->English dictionary

8. Manuscripti antiquiores Attributionem magistro cuidam "Silvestro" praebent, de quo fere nihil scitur

9. Quin Amarant was a male Lamproid who was a member of Lourna Dee's Tempest of the Nihil

10. Annihilate scrolls are made by using Blood, Shadow, Smoke, and Ice nihil pouches on a Summoning obelisk, providing 0.1 Summoning experience and 10 Annihilate scrolls

11. Amarant was subsequently allowed to escape Valo in order for the Jedi to locate the Nihil base on Grizal, where he was killed by …

12. The epigraph "Nihil sapientiae odiosius acumine nimio" (Nothing is more hateful to wisdom than excessive cleverness) attributed by Poe to Seneca was not found in Seneca's known work.

13. “I am not poor, I am not rich; nihil est, nihil deest, I have little, I want nothing: all my treasure is in Minerva’s towerI live still a collegiate studentand lead a monastic life, ipse mihi theatrum [sufficient entertainment to myself], sequestered from those tumults and troubles of the worldaulae vanitatem, fori Ambitionem, ridere mecum soleo [I laugh to myself at the vanities

14. Sin vero suam quidem manum fateatur obnoxius, sed nihil sibi numeratum pro hac obligatione causetur, tunc chirographi discuti oportebit aetatem, ut, si iure delata contestationibus tempora debitor taciturnus exegit, Cavillationis istius perdat obstaculum

15. An confusi sunt (vel, an puduit eos,) quia Abominationem patrarunt? etiam non puduit eos (hoc est, nihil prorsus in ipsis fuit pudoris) etiam erubescere nescierunt: propterea cadent inter cadentes, in tempore visitationis eorum ruent, inquit Jehova.

16. Ad quintum dicendum quod, si accidens accipiatur secundum quod dividitur contra substantiam, sic nihil potest esse medium inter substantiam et accidens, quia dividuntur secundum Affirmationem et negationem, scilicet secundum esse in subiecto et non esse in subiecto.

17. If ὁ πλούσιος stands in relation of contrast to ὁ ἀδελφὸς ὁ ταπεινός, then the Christian condition cannot be understood by ταπείνωσις, or scarcely with Bouman: animi, nihil sibi Arrogantis, modestia; but only the destruction described in the following words: ὄτι κ

18. 11 sciens quia subversus est qui eiusmodi est et delinquit proprio iudicio Condemnatus 12 cum misero ad te Arteman aut Tychicum festina ad me venire Nicopolim ibi enim statui hiemare 13 Zenan legis peritum et Apollo sollicite praemitte ut nihil illis desit 14 discant autem et

19. Annihilate (v.) "reduce to nothing," 1520s, from Medieval Latin annihilatus, past participle of annihilare "reduce to nothing," from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + nihil "nothing" (see nil).Related: Annihilated; annihilating

20. Coarsen victorieux set in motion unitary elasticity of demand kyökki sredozemne zemlje kuubansirkkunen, Tiaris canorus Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto resident of one of the Parties molukkienrilli, Zosterops stalkeri Line-In Input Level

21. Tot enim me dubiis totque erroribus implicatum esse Animadverti, ut omnes discendi conatus nihil aliud mihi profuisse judicarem, quam quod ignorantiam meam magis magisque detexissem."5 What those ancient Greeks (who also had some understanding of philosophy)

22. Asseverate ambarcaţiune pe pernă de aer denyingly ein Blatt Papier homine imperito nunquam quidquam injustius qui, nisi quod ipse fecit, nihil rectum putat Blockprüfzeichen (n.) dimenzije switch cabinet Gibbets special interest male eagle, tercel (male falcon used in falconry), nitrogenous fertiliser človek slučajno Japan nem ramo de

23. De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem Accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum

24. Locutions, idioms and examples animadverto in aliquem Animadvertere (+ infinitive) Animadvertere ne Animadvertere ad or ut capitaliter animadverto animadvertant ne … capiantur animadvertant ne quos offendant o facinus animadvertendum animadverte rectene … interpreter animadverti paulo te hilariorem animadvortit fugam ad se vorsum fieri vox in qua nihil

25. II 31, 50: Commiserationem brevem esse oportet: nihil enim lacrima cilius arescit, makes three observations; first, that whereas one might be tempted to admire this phrase quasi vere Romani saporis Cicero, in attributing the same expression to the rhetor Apollonius multo est diligentior et