next month in English

during the upcoming month

Use "next month" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "next month" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "next month", or refer to the context using the word "next month" in the English Dictionary.

1. Next month, the 9th.

2. We're moving house next month.

3. Our television license expires next month.

4. Can you wait till next month?

5. Turn in your dissertation next month.

6. The miners will wildcat next month.

7. I shall go there next month.

8. Advance payment and prepay next month.

9. We're going on holiday next month.

10. Alloquial Struck gold when there next month

11. We're booked solid for the next month.

12. He will wed that waitress next month.

13. I shall go to London next month.

14. 11 I shall go there next month.

15. This contract will stretch to next month.

16. I'm heading for sunnier climes next month.

17. The government elections will be next month.

18. Nope, my lease is up next month.

19. We can't move in until next month.

20. I mean to buy a vacuum next month.

21. The new law comes into force next month.

22. The film is scheduled for release next month.

23. Ah, the Edouard Manet exhibit is next month.

24. The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month.

25. The new model goes on sale next month.

26. They hope to publish their results next month.

27. The bill will come before Parliament next month.

28. They're having an old boys' reunion next month.

29. Angel and Maria are getting married next month.

30. The book will be on sale next month.

31. The Labour candidate will canvass the constituency next month.

32. I may pop in to see you next month.

33. Our present lease on the flat expires next month.

34. 1 Work on the bridge will recommence next month.

35. 15 Our lease on the house expires next month.

36. John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.

37. The company is moving to new premises next month.

38. The approximate date of his departure is next month.

39. The company is launching a new model next month.

40. My book will appear in the shops next month.

41. I can't travel next month because of family obligations.

42. The eagerly Anticipated movie will be released next month

43. 3 The petroleum price will be unfrozen next month.

44. The committee will report on its research next month.

45. The eagerly Anticipated movie will be released next month

46. We have to finish before the elections next month.

47. The paintings will come up for auction next month.

48. The publication of his book will be next month.

49. Candidates will be invited for interview early next month.

50. The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.