necessitating in English

make (something) necessary as a result or consequence.
the severe arthritis eventually necessitated a total hip replacement

Use "necessitating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "necessitating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "necessitating", or refer to the context using the word "necessitating" in the English Dictionary.

1. Most auriferous Arsenopyrite ores are refractory necessitating pre-treatments before gold extraction

2. Demand for cement , however , was increasing faster , necessitating installation of further capacity .

3. The cause was entero-enteral intussusception due to a hamartoma necessitating resection.

4. Furthermore, radiation dose is a major concern necessitating high detection efficiency of the scintillation layer.

5. Road networks are limited, necessitating aerial bridges for the transport of humanitarian staff and goods.

6. It has meant some surprises for God’s servants along the way, necessitating adjustments in understanding at times.

7. Indications were either large adhesions in the ileus or chronic sequelae — necessitating severance; another indication was fibrinous peritonitis.

8. Most Alcove bathtubs have shower heads these days, necessitating the installation of a water barrier of some kind

9. Two of 22 Conservatively treated cats had progression of clinical signs necessitating surgical intervention or resulting in death

10. However, both options are associated with high morbidity and mortality, necessitating alternative solutions for the treatment of ESRD.

11. However , the post - war years had their crop of problems necessitating an active consideration of a positive tariff policy .

12. Boxfish spend their days flitting about in complex reef habitats, full of narrow crevices and pockets between branches of coral, necessitating a high degree of maneuverability

13. 18 Officials provided few details on how the government would deal with a bioterrorism attack or other situations necessitating mass evacuations during the Games.

14. The following cases were included: acute type A dissection (n=22), aortic arch aneurysms (n=5) and other complex operations (n=3) necessitating a somewhat longer circulatory arrest period.

15. The country had been ravaged by ten years of fighting and was full of displaced refugees and empty Turkish estates, necessitating a series of land reforms over several decades.

16. Although similarities to seawater or brackish water desalination exist, industrial brine treatment may contain unique combinations of dissolved ions, such as hardness ions or other metals, necessitating specific processes and equipment.

17. An adrenocorticotropic insufficiency was found in most patients with sheehan syndrome, chromophobic adenoma and craniopharyngioma while in acromegaly and hypothalamo-pituitary dwarfism it was present less frequently, necessitating a substitution with corticoids.

18. The effect of the new groyne shapes was higher than expected before construction and led—in some parts—to a reversal in trend, resulting in an aggradation process necessitating an optimisation of the measure.

19. An Antimacassar is a small cloth placed over the backs or arms of chairs, or sofas. Historically, the Edwardian male penchant for oiling one's coiffure continued into Victorian times; necessitating the invention of washable decorative fabric blotters

20. Co-administration of efavirenz with atazanavir in combination with low-dose ritonavir resulted in substantial decreases in atazanavir exposure due to CYP#A# induction, necessitating dosage adjustment of atazanavir (refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics for the medicinal product containing atazanavir

21. (13) The TAM Avers that "the condition necessitating the expenditure was the original condition of the property when the taxpayer acquired it." The TAM concludes from this that the "removal costs increased the value, use and capacity of the taxpayer's facility as compared to …

22. To better control flange face geometry and to reduce the possibility of thermal damage, the machine employs "kiss" grinding techniques, where a narrow-rimmed, large-diameter, cubic boron nitride wheel, running in either a water-soluble coolant or mineral oil, Abrades the thrust flange face without necessitating secondary polishing.

23. ‘The Coracoid process may exist as a separate bone.’ ‘Associated fractures of the Coracoid process or the lateral one third of the clavicle may occur, necessitating an orthopedic referral.’ ‘According to Benton, Huene's reconstruction has the torso too short, the Coracoid too small, and perhaps the feet a bit large.’

24. ‘The Coracoid process may exist as a separate bone.’ ‘Associated fractures of the Coracoid process or the lateral one third of the clavicle may occur, necessitating an orthopedic referral.’ ‘According to Benton, Huene's reconstruction has the torso too short, the Coracoid too small, and perhaps the feet a bit large.’