natural selection in English

the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
Studying the Galapagos islands helped to inspire Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection .

Use "natural selection" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "natural selection" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "natural selection", or refer to the context using the word "natural selection" in the English Dictionary.

1. No other currency counts in natural selection.

2. Natural selection is a grim natural reaper.

3. Natural selection has tended to reduce this randomization.

4. Bacteria show how natural selection builds its defences.

5. Instead it will come about through natural selection.

6. Within its limits, natural selection is an illuminating idea.

7. Natural selection remains the primary explanation for adaptive evolution.

8. Such quasispecies are a prime target for natural selection.

9. 1 Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.

10. Its history is an object lesson in natural selection.

11. It is all done automatically by ordinary natural selection.

12. The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.

13. These arguments would not convince a student of natural selection.

14. So this fully shows that nature evolves through natural selection.

15. Dawkins assumes that natural selection will do this selecting job.

16. That means this belief should be reinforced by natural selection.

17. The phrase also does not help in conveying the complex nature of natural selection, so modern biologists prefer and almost exclusively use the term natural selection.

18. Evolution by natural selection is' the direct negation of organic growth.

19. 11 the theory of natural selection, first propounded by Charles Darwin.

20. The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.

21. There was natural selection for the evolution of lightly pigmented skin.

22. Mutation is random; natural selection is the very opposite of random.

23. Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.

24. Professor Leda Cosmides defines Adaptionism as a function designed by natural selection

25. 19 The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.

26. Adaptationism is the main school of evolutionary change, through “natural selection” (NS)

27. The most important mechanism for achieving such self-consistency is natural selection.

28. More important is Huxley's own attitude to the theory of natural selection.

29. I suppose self-delusion is a gift of natural selection as well.

30. If accurate measurement of quality is in place, natural selection proceeds almost automatically.

31. Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.

32. Adaptations are well fitted to their function and are produced by natural selection

33. It is because their hybrids do not survive the scrutiny of natural selection.

34. So, natural selection will favor organisms that are more likely to cause damage.

35. 14 The assumption of belief in God being favored by natural selection is sophomoric.

36. Natural selection favours those genes that manipulate the world to ensure their own propagation.

37. This principle of preservation I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection.

38. Even the thumb itself is an adaptation formed through the process of natural selection.

39. 17 Most critics of natural selection concede that Darwin survival of the fittest right.

40. Some evidence indicates that the melanistic allele is dominant, and being supported by natural selection.

41. The theory of natural selection remains the key to our understanding of the natural world.

42. Natural selection would have weeded out the weak, but only over the course of time.

43. This doesn't mean, I hasten to insist, that natural selection is a purely destructive process.

44. Darwin's vera causa argumentation shows that natural selection is not tautologous for one reason, ultimately.

45. But with blending inheritance, genetic variance would be rapidly lost, making evolution by natural selection implausible.

46. The Darwin natural selection theory thought that it is promotes the organic evolution the important attribute.

47. Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation.

48. Next symbiosis became a major mover and shaker feeding off the change produced by natural selection.

49. But the histone H4 document hasn't just been copied, it has been subjected to natural selection.

50. Introduction The “Adaptationism” debate is about the role of natural selection in relation to other evolutionary factors