nasi in English


leader of the Sanhedrin (Jewish History)

Use "nasi" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nasi" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nasi", or refer to the context using the word "nasi" in the English Dictionary.

1. nasi goreng.

2. Hello, Nasi.

3. Alright, nasi goreng.

4. This is nasi goreng.

5. In Bali, the mixed rice is called nasi campur Bali or simply nasi Bali.

6. The telur pindang is often served as part of tumpeng, nasi kuning or nasi campur.

7. A variation of nasi minyak dyed in multiple shades of colour is called nasi hujan panas.

8. Warung nasi is a humble small restaurant that sells nasi (rice) with other Indonesian dishes.

9. In Java, nasi campur is often called nasi rames, and wide variations are available across the island.

10. Bami goreng, nasi goreng, Chinese noddles

11. In Bali, the mixed rice called Nasi campur Bali or simply nasi Bali is a favorite among tourists.

12. Aggenerations agger agger nasi agger perpendicularis agger valvae venae aggerate

13. Nasi kandar is a popular northern Malaysian dish, which originates from Penang.

14. nasi G�kt�rk told how beautiful mahur u have heard it.

15. Usually used as condiments for nasi uduk, ketan, or otak-otak.

16. The right ala nasi showed the characteristic sickle-shaped defect (ulcération en arc).

17. Not to be confused with the Peranakan nasi kunyit, which uses glutinous rice.

18. Maybe Asian specialities, such as crispy duck or Nasi Goreng from the wok?

19. In Yogyakarta, telur pindang is often served with nasi gudeg or just hot steamed rice.

20. Nasi minyak - rice flavoured with whole dried spices and ghee, usually served with rendang.

21. He has worked together with the Jewish mathematician Savasorda (Abraham Bar Ḥiyya Ha-Nasi).

22. Nasi uduk literally means "mixed rice" in Betawi dialect, related with Indonesian term aduk ("mix").

23. It was the “chieftain” or Nasi, who had a special territory or domain assigned to him.

24. In Flanders, the name nasi goreng is often used for any Asian style of fried rice.

25. Nasi pecel is a Javanese rice dish served with pecel (cooked vegetables and peanut sauce).

26. • Look for flaring of the alae nasi, which is a sign of increased respiratory effort

27. It often served as nasi tim: steamed rice with boneless chicken feet, mashed liver and vegetable broth.

28. The nose plaster (Breathe-Right®) contains an elastic spine that pulls the alae nasi cranial.

29. Rendang is traditionally prepared by the Malay community during festive occasions, served with ketupat or nasi minyak.

30. The portrait of a member of the Partisans Armés, who carried out assassination attempts and killed Nasi collaborators.

31. In 791 Charlemagne confirmed the status of the Jewish Principate and made the title of Nasi permanent.

32. Gerai Opah, Tanah Rata. If you’re looking for a good filling breakfast, try the Kampung Nasi Lemak.

33. Arranged topically, it was promulgated under the authority of Rabbi Judah Ha-nasi (“the Patriarch”), around 200 CE.

34. Ciliated cells in the epithelium of the respiratory tract (septum nasi, trachea) and oviduct of mice were investigated.

35. ENT findings in the syndrome include profound bilateral hearing loss, aplasia of the alae nasi and dental malformations.

36. Nasi goreng dabai is rice stir-fried with dabai (canarium odontophyllum), an indigenous fruit found only in Sarawak.

37. Nasi Padang is a Padang steamed rice served with various choices of pre-cooked dishes originated from Indonesia.

38. Actually, it summarized what was discussed and taught in the rabbinic academies during the period of Judah ha-Nasi.

39. Sure 9 of the Qur'an states that the number of months in a year is twelve and rejects any "shifting" (nasi).

40. This new spiritual framework was outlined in the Mishnah, compiled by Judah ha-Nasi by the beginning of the third century C.E.

41. Judah ha-Nasi headed both his own academy and the Sanhedrin, first at Bet She’arim and later at Sepphoris in Galilee.

42. Popular meals include nasi goréng (fried rice and egg with vegetables), satay (barbecued meat skewers), and gado-gado (salad with peanut sauce).

43. The aplastic alae nasi require no specific therapy, while in our case in the hearing loss could be treated with hearing aids.

44. 15 Conclusions The main indications of functional sinus surgery are infectious nasal sinus diseases or meatus nasi lesion that may interfere with the drainage.

45. Product: Arabite: SET (3 in 1) Nasi Arabian Mendhi Price: RM27 Shelf life: 2 years Specialty: Halal JAKIM, Buatan Malaysia and certified by MeSTI

46. She was hospitalized immediately after birth because of anal atresia and facial dysmorphism with aplastic alae nasi, mongoloid eye slant and slightly dystopic ears.

47. Nasi Ulam, rice cooked in coconut milk served with fried minced beef, sweet fried tempe, many other toppings, cucumber, and sambal (chilli sauce).

48. 16 Objective To compare histological changes of iliac crest cartilage with costal cartilage graft in alae nasi soft tissue and on maxilla surface.

49. A pneumatized middle concha (MC) was the most common anatomic variation, followed by pneumatization of the superior concha (SC), Haller cell and agger nasi cell.

50. However, Santorini remained under the Crispo family until 1566, passing then to Joseph Nasi and after his death in 1579 to the Ottoman Empire.