naif in English

naive or ingenuous.
It is also a thing of beauty, with typography that's clever without being tricksy, saliva-inducing photography and cute little naif drawings.
a naive or ingenuous person.
I'd rather hang out with the naifs and unsophisticates, I think, who appreciate the new and unusual, and whose bar for those things hasn't gotten to be ridiculously high.

Use "naif" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "naif" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "naif", or refer to the context using the word "naif" in the English Dictionary.

1. They painted the door naif.

2. The introduction is stiff, embarrassing ; Naif.

3. It is a pretty story, albeit a trifle naif.

4. Children's world is full of joyfull , fun, naif...

5. But, befitting this increasingly exsanguinous imperium, Naif, 82, is known to suffer from leukemia.

6. The only way I have been able to cut back is by, instead, Anagrammatizing like a cat naif

7. All of the schools are Christian, but other schools train leaders in Judism , Islam , Budism and other naif traditions.

8. Accused of being a revolutionary, or at best a naif , Bernstein never recovered from the damage this did to his reputation.

9. The term 'assemblage' dates from the early 1950s, when the French faux naif artist Jean Dubuffet (1901-85) referred to his collages of butterfly wings, as 'Assemblages d'empreintes'

10. King Abdullah, Emir Abdul Illah, (Regent of Iraq), Emir Naif, (King Abdullah's youngest son) and Nuri Pasha Said, Iraqi ambassador at large digital file from original

11. However, the ranking after the heir Crown Prince of Saudi Second Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Naif Bin Abdul - Aziz poor health.

12. Pete Wilson is a naif who had no idea anybody would care what he had to say about the Republican anti-abortion plank?

13. The first meridian circle of China has been installed at CSAO in April 19 This horizontal reflecting transit circle with 240ram effective aperture is developed by CSAO, NAIF and CUO.