moxa in English

a downy substance obtained from the dried leaves of an Asian plant related to mugwort. It is burned on or near the skin in Eastern medicine as a counterirritant.
Moxibustion, the burning of the herb moxa over channel points and certain areas of the body, is used to warm, tonify and stimulate.

Use "moxa" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moxa" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moxa", or refer to the context using the word "moxa" in the English Dictionary.

1. The name " moxa " is derived from its Japanese name Mogusa .

2. The moxa is then placed on it and ignited .

3. Acupuncture points are also stimulated by burning a herb called " moxa " over the point .

4. When the moxa is burnt , the smoke has a characteristic odour that is similar to the smell of hashish .

5. Moxa is used in two ways , either directly on the skin or indirectly through a needle , garlic , salt and ginger .

6. Direct moxibuxtion is carried out with a smouldering cigar of moxa , which is used to warm the acupuncture point from a distance of one centimeter .

7. 28 The moxa benefit been lived by the gun muzzle Hai terrors of linger back, see the backset that she want to button up a trigger, and then stumble working out.